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Friday 31 October 2008Y
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!! & halloween (:

I Miss you so much ):
Mr Green too... D:
Nvm, must think happy things!
You're thirteen like all of us!
Well, Besides Cheryl... XD
I used your fav color! hehe
I shall use green today to help you celebrate your birthday!! :D

So my day started at 5.30am XP
Kim called me:D
I thought she just woke up but they were already leaving the school T.T
I sounded so dead on the phone...
Damn sleepy.
But after that, like cannot sleep again...
Just half asleep...and I had that heart attack again. haiyo...
Stupid la, reach school late.
Though I had to do that 'GOODMORNING!' *SMILE* thing again...
but they were watching movie :D
science class was fun as usual C:
paired up with Yan Ping ^0^
Then geo... reflection T.T ok la xP
Lunch was boring!
You all go for camp and then Melody's class had detention D:
So left me and clarissa.
After that, all three of us came down.
Me and Clarissa couldn't stand seeing Melody eating her fries...THE TEMTATION!
So we got our bowls =P
art was ok ok..
english continued the movie...
Yan Ping and I got the SOFA!!!!
The room was so dark, made me wanna sleep -.-
After school, waited for clarissa's come to be dimissed :D
saw my sis -.-
NVM, I feel happy today!!
got excuse XDDDDDDDDD

ends at Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday 30 October 2008Y
I'm so Happy today C:

I feel extremely happy today :D
My mum bought me so many things today C:
Earrings, skirt, chain, belt, ballet flats :D
Damn happy man (:
So it just leaves me to buy my top on saturday... :]
So... :D
haiya, SCs' went for camp already D:
won't be seeing kim, cheryl & young eun till monday ):
nvm, at least can still call each other ^0^

The tests weren't really difficult!
thank gosh for that (:
Lunch was fun xP
played psp :D
long time never play already...
P.E was pretty fun too hehe:D
But I think its the last lesson of badminton already.
Anyway, played psp in the bus again (:
Restarted comp.
Was so laggy earlier.
Chatting with teresita and sarah,
but sarah had to g2g D:
I had to buy another stapler....T.T
I still remembered the time last year,
I asked her whether she took it.
But she kept saying 'I DIDN'T!'
I didn't believe at first but anyway she kept saying that so just believed her...
Now what happens?!
And she said she'll return it to me base on her mood... D':
I also heard some weird things...
Shit, I also dropt my hp D:
Poor thing )':

You make my world spin :D

ends at Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday 29 October 2008Y

I feel so happy today :D
lol don't bother asking me why :P
Cause I won't tell you unless of course you're my close friend xD
hehe Anyway, didn't get a chance to blog yesterday...

Yesterday :D
Science test!! *scary music plays*
D: Gosh, I have 2 questions wrong already!
what the heck...
CCA was pretty ok I guess lol
Getting a lil' boring.
But I scored a goal :D hoho genius me C: jk. xp
That's all for yesterday.
I can't really remember...

Finally! I reached school early :D
Weather getting cold already.... T^T
Morning was crazy xP
Thank you so much!!! hehe :D
I was so nervous from the start of the morning....-.-
Thank goodness it happened the way I want it to :D
Geography was stressing. those questions....
We had one minute early lunch T.T
Now I have a phobia of Baby Teresita xP
She keeps poking me!!! D:
haiyo...so mean to me
I was your classmate for 3 years already!!
DT was just boring...
The cross stitch was making me sleepy -.-
Oh, and they were making rly funny jokes haha :D
Art...making progress in my paper cutting.
Tired to sleep in the bus,
to no avail ):
My freaking bag was solid hard and it made my head hurt -.-
Raining so hard...
At least my mood wasn't like the rain C:
I ran in the rain today!
Do you know how shuang it is? hehe :D
Its the best time to run :D
Maybe next time I wait for rain then run...xP
So relaxed earlier when running XD
But my hair turned into a tangled mess -.-
You guys should have seen it,
looked so horrible :D

Anyway, g2g :D

Miss Smile:D

ends at Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday 27 October 2008Y
Monday D:

I went to buy Yakult earlier :D
See, I exercised :P
On the way, I saw two kids; one girl and one boy,
they were shouting at each other lol
So cute :D
haiya, but so unlucky.
When I got to the traffic light, it showed; 02, 01, 00
T.T argh...
Anyway, I quickly took the yakult and started to check out some snacks XP
lol but not very nice, i think there's melamine -.-
Walking home, 3 cats stared at me...
Kinda weird lol they looked sleepy C:
As I approached, they ran away MUAHAHA XD

In School....
Hit me so hard ):
I was scared to death man...
I didn't get to hit her my hardest xP
Oh, thanks for the info TY :D lol
but then I think I still screwed it )':
Tomorrow, science test!
I better do well or else.... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
I studied you know (:

People in S'pore, you guys so lucky >.<
No more school already D:

Better go now...
have hw and have to study...D:



ends at Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday 25 October 2008Y
Saturday :D

Hoho, reach school so early today; 7.55 :D
Pro right? :P
Rioko, you hit my head T.T
Their class was like super emo -.-
The blinds were down and the lights were off...
I also realised when I go to other classes,
my luck is really bad!
But in my class,
I have luck XPPP
So next time, must come to my class and play ABC :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Lunch Rocked :P
See, I proved to you that I'm not weak!
You finally admitted it C:
And you screamed Baby teresita :D
I'll hit you harder on Monday :D
Get readytodie!!
But my throat hurt rly badly too;
Kept screaming =P It hurt so bad ok?!
OH, I'm so not ma xi!!!
Who says I am!! arr.....!
You're King Kong!!
Next time, I'll take a pic of your hand! XP

ends at Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday 24 October 2008Y
Happiness :D

I left my phone on the bus today -.-
wa lao so careless lor.
So don't sms me (:
Then somemore SOMEONE laughed at me! *scoffs*
You're a mean, MEAN PERSON!
Lesson I learnt today :
Never place phones in pockets!
But thankfully Macy is so kind C:
She help me keep :D

So, actually other than that,
Hehe Clarissa came! yay~ ^0^
English; Gosh, that movie was just ...

I can conclude that the day passed pretty well (:

BUT, there's school tomorrow!
cca <3
Off to the tv now :P
Have to make up for tomorrow xPP

You make me smile(:

ends at Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday 23 October 2008Y
Ms Lonely

Erm..today was a very lonely day ):
Clarissa didn't come! D:
But nvm, she promise me she'll chase the bus next time :DDD yay!
Then, Young Eun had meeting,
left me and melody only.
she very sick leh :ppp
Today, ji won sms me saying,
she found a new shopping mall!!
haha, so next time we can all meet up there xPPP
wait till december comes C:
haha can't wait :DDDDD

You Fool.

ends at Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday 22 October 2008Y

haiyo... so upset over that bloody marks.
forget it don't talk about it xppp
Today, school lunch was yum! lol
Then for some reason I was in an eating mood :D
Went to diamond to eat chips and drink fanta C:
hoho, but Young Eun worse you know :PPPPP
lol, I just kept munching (:
Gosh , I got freaked out by that guy..
haha it was so freaky...
Chinese test 2mr...
math and science test next week. wth! D:

Green!!! xPPPP

ends at Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday 21 October 2008Y

This will be a quick post...
Have to sleep soon ):
School before lunch was okay I guess..
Watched a movie during english and I couldn't even tell which ones were the names -.-
Anyway, lunch was ok.
Can't remember much..
oh CCA was super fun lol xp
We won!! :DDDDD hehe
So happy :D
But weather was like so hot -.-
what kinda autumn is this??!!
Had time left after cca, so me, Young Eun&Melody played ABC :P
LOL so fun lor but they hit me so pain D:
nvm, next time take revenge heh heh XDDDD
And Clarissa next time you also must play! :D
Like that more fun :]]]]]

OK haha

I realised I wasn't as OK as I thought...

ends at Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday 20 October 2008Y

Today was formal D:
Had math presetation...T.T So lucky lor :D
Not many ppl ask me questions :p
But they were mean to the others ...D:
Lunch was ok today :D
lol, at least had something to eat.
Oh, and Young Eun is so pro at guitar!!! xp
End of lunch, had to race back up T.T

In the bus, had to BEG my sis for mentos T.T
what kinda person is that??!!
Nvm, read mag and slept...
Now at home, feeling hungry :P
but gotta wait till dinner or else i become pig...
Today's hw isn't alot either!
Haha maybe mondays aren't that bad...
shit..just lost something -.-
I'm thinking about s'pore now...and its delicious food :DDDDDD
aww, i miss s'pore and of course you guys in s'pore! ):
Nvm, last 2 weeks of december can see you guys!! :D
can't wait ^-^
I'll make sure I complete my to do list =P

Today, I think can slack xP

ends at Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday 19 October 2008Y

Just came back from 8 Bai Ban...
Had dinner with family at Saizeriya .
lol, I found the food better today.
Oh, and the tiramisu.... yum! :D hehe

woke up pretty early.
Log on to comp (:
Ticketed noone xp So nice of me... :DDDDD
After that, boredom was coming in.
So I watched tv with sis till mum kinda scolded us T.T
Breakfast then chinese hw.. T.T
Continued with cross stitch lol
Its quite addictive actually :p

At almost 4, we went to clubhouse to play either badminton or ping-pong
But stupid clubhouse so lousy...
We ended up playing ping pong D:
LOL, it was hardly ping pong.
It was like badminton+tennis+ping pong XDDDDDDDDDDDD
haha XP
I sweat a little :D
Hoho so proud :D
I should continue with this every week :P

Yummy :DDDD
Mango rocks c:

D: can't believe its 10 plus already!
So late D:
argh I can't complain here.
Later some teacher from school sees..T.T

Haha, logging off soon...

Muacks! C:

ends at Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday 18 October 2008Y

One last post before I sleep xp...
So sleepy already, my eyes are gonna close -.-
Reminds me of that comprehension D:
Yeah, I have a summerblog :D
Now, SOMEONE is telling me that she's fat when she's not -.-

nightnight! C:

ends at Saturday, October 18, 2008


Yay! hehe...
Thanks to my wonderful genuis brain, I learnt how to add skin xp
And, also....
Lots of thanks to Melody!! :D
She also help me :P
Oh, and I also wanna thank my parents XD
For going out so I can use the comp...heh heh xp
Who loves ChupaChups?
ME! :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
lol, its just so yummy and sweet :D
Yesterday in the bus, I ate one :D
Actually that lollipop is I owe someone...xp
But it was just so tempting, it was just lying in my bag.
So I started to peel the wrapper and stuff it in my mouth c:
Chocolate&Vanilla <3
Harhar, nvm I bring another one xp
I better not eat it...
Now, noone can say I dislike candy! XPPPP
Just that I love candies like Lollipops :DDD
Hoho, I finish all my HW already except for chinese sui bi =D
That hw I'll leave for night time :P
I'm currently in the middle of cross-stitch T.T
I found it difficult at the beginning but now its starting to look cute ^-^
Must think of a design too...
A WAR is going on between me and some idiot who calls me idiot.
Doesn't make sense right?
Anyway, g2g now...
was actually planning on playing bad. with sis but she's the pig -.-

ends at Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday 17 October 2008Y

My second blog :D Forget about the first one.
It was just T.T umm....
ok, SCHOOL. damn my math ar... so average -.- Then some people who have high marks still say they got so low D: Geo: If my marks suck, I can go bang my head on the wall. Not my fault that I couldn't finish it xp I knew how to do that damn thing. ): Lunch is always boringD: Not like last year...

Nvm, forget about that :D December is coming! <33>
1. Its X'mas :D
2. I'll get to see you guys! Miss you all so much ):
4. Clothes ^0^
5. Sleepover at cuz's ? hehe hope its okay :D
6. Mirama - hoho, R&R, let's go upstairs and keesiao :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
7.Toys R Us- all three of you can go attack Dora's friend T.T
8. Second Piercing? :DDDD
9. Presents<333
10. I'll think about it :P

Does that rock or what?! :DDDDDD
Haha, thinking about it makes me happy already :D
Nowadays, I feel happy =P Less worries I guess...
Oh, and its FRIDAY!!!^-^

ends at Friday, October 17, 2008