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Sunday 30 November 2008Y

I woke up so early xD 7.30!!! D:
Tried to sleep but can't -.-
played dj max and went online xD
then got ready and drank cereal :D
Left the house at about 10am D:
this time, it was easier to cross the road xP
Anyway, wore my hat almost all the time to Zhongshan park.
My fringe was kinda flattened. -.-
Called Melody but she havent left her house yet lol
So I walked around Cloud Nine xDDDDDDDDDDD
All the different animals xD
Then I walked all over looking for Toys R Us xDDDDDDDDDDD
Haha I was bored D:
I couldn't find it -.-
Then I asked the receptionist.
Had to tell her it was a giraffe or else she wouldn't know what it is xD
Went up to the 6th floor walked a while, just as I was gonna tell Melody I couldn't find it, I found it!!! ^0^
hehe so happy xD
Saw so many cute things there =P
Anyway, Kim called to say she arrived :D
I went down to look for her and I got lost -.-
Forgot how I got there D:
Then I found Kim, at the same time, Melody also came xDDDDDDD
We went to the lollipop store xD
Melody was attracted to it lol
We chose 2 for DH. xD
lol a pig (me) a penguin (Melody)
I bought kim's fav xD so nice of me xP
We spent to much time there :D
Saw Starbucks :D
THen went up to Ajisen to eat.
Shared a rated 3 chilli with Kim.
I ate all the beef xD
But I was so tensed up that I figited with the cards thing and I couldn't put it back!
Ate so fast xD
Then I help Kim and Mel buy their starbucks.
I couldn't open the straw wrap!!! D:
anyway walked fast to the taxi.

Stupid Jam !
by the time we got there, it was 1+ -.-
Screamed when I saw Ji Won :D
I miss you so much !!!! ):
She hug me :D
Kim had her 2nd lunch :o
hoho I like the choco xDDDD
and I like DH'S dog :D
so cute (:
Its a golden retriever!
I think we went to his basement then we went out.
They wanted to go to Racquet Club -.-
so far...
So the girls walked back xP
We ate again.
Played hide and seek xD
then south park movie :DDDDDDDDD
that show rocks when I'm being nuts xD
Then TY came...
they switched off the light on me -.-
Sang B day song for DH.
THen had to leave already -.-
Was kinda pissed off cause my parents wouldn't let me go home myself.
I felt to upset -.-
Jam again !
anyway got off at lou shan guan lu and took train home.
b4 that I saw a shop with really cute things xDDDDDDD
Finally home at 7+
Took 2hrs to get home D:

didn't feel like waking up but had to cause of hw -.-
did hw and then watched movie online xD
dad tried to make me go out.
I don't wanna go! so cold -.-
My parents called me again after they left to ask me to go choose coats...
Tempting but no thanks xD
I still have to prepare to go out.
Troublesome -.-
Forced myself to read s.s D:
Finally finished -.-
This week, I HAVE 3 TESTS!!!
I realised I can't relax during weekdays except in the bus -.-


anyway I have something to look out for tomorrow ^-^


我爱他. ^-^

ends at Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday 28 November 2008Y
Sport's Day 2008-2009! :D

It totally rocked today!!! :D
Whole day really rocked from morning to the afternoon lol xD
I reached school early :D
So happy xD I don't always arrive early
and then Sport's day started with the principal throwing a frisbee -.-
It wasn't fair!
Pearl got it...!

Floorball started :D
we lost all the games!!
All the girls were cheering :D
hehe, our class is a role model for class spirit(:
we were screaming too.
Clarissa, why cheer for our class?
D: you have to cheer from your class too!
lol there were some people mocking us -.-
so bad la.
The freaking wind was killing me!!
omg so cold.
Kim was my human heater :D
My sweet sis (:
Ate chips. Thanks Clarissa!

Then it was the badminton matches.
We won all of them!!
the ppl in my class really rock xD
I was getting tired at this part already lol
and i was freezing to death =.=

Lunch was pretty boring.
Had no appetite ):
I was tired of the frenchfries already.
Me clarissa and melody hung out.
lol it was funny
we met melody's husband.
But her husband wanted a divorce D:
Poor Mel D:
lol then I was bored so I told them 'Let's be gay'
I know gross lol
I held hands with both of them.
They are my girlfriends! :D
lol siao already.

Volleyball :
we lost all again -.-
lol atleast they did our best
I'm such a positive person :D
cheered again :D
yay! lol we won!!!
we totally rock xP
hehe .
In the end, we were second! :D
so good right? xD
QV was showing me his medal -.-
I don't care!

Argh, so tired today.
I will sleep early!
shoot, I just remembered I have unfinish hw waiting for me D:
frigging geo and science.

My pocket smells like chocolate.
My kisses got smashed when I lied down -.-
lol I wanted to eat it and it feel all sticky
But it really tastes good ! :DDDDDDD

love you (:

ends at Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday 27 November 2008Y

I had no time to post yesterday xD
So glad its over.
But Mr Ross just had to destroy my joy by telling us we'll be having a test on monday
And the Chinese teacher told us we might be having a test next week.
Just Great -.-
lol so happy xD
I'll be missing TRIPLE english and drama!! :D woah!!!
It'll totally rock tomorrow.
And my class will definitely rule the cheer :D

I'm listening to All Star now xD
lol I thought of that earlier cause i was bored D:
Then I remembered Clarissa saying her class wanted to use it for their cheer xD
haha, so I'm listening to it now :D
It rocks !

Today during lunch, Teresita nearly killed me by her poking!
It was so ticklish la.
I fell onto the ground -.-
But noone helped her!
Then after they all left, I couldn't find anyone from my class ):
All of them were there a second ago!
I got out of the gym and I saw them in the second court -.-
Played volleyball during PE (:

大家明天都要加油!!! ^-^
Tomorrow, S2 Amber will rock !
ni ye yao jia you (:
bu yao na me mei you zi xin C:
I'll wei ni jia you in my mind tomorrow :D
I <3>

ends at Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday 25 November 2008Y
Tuesday :D

I dislike alarm clocks -.-
I woke up freezing to death; I dislike cold! ):
My sleeves got wet which made things worse.
I slept again in the bus xD
Lunch was deli. today xP
heh heh, both of us are carnivorous! :D

In class...
QV compared height with me and he was taller!
He said he is taller than alien -.-
Whatever, I know I'm short! D:
Don't have to tell me.

So anyway, I lost Clarissa during lunch! D:
Then after me and Mel went to her class, we found her :D
She had chips xP
Then, I lost her again D:
But I found her again xD
We were all attacking teresita today for mentos :D
Sarah was poking her in the ribs :D
I fully support you in whatever things you do to Teresita! :D

During Chinese class, I ate mentos again xP
Today in all, I ate 4 :D
2 Mint 1 Lemon 1 Pineapple :D

Sport's day! :D
Tug o War xP
So happy ^0^
Noone could beat Ivory though -.-
At least we beat all of 'em except ivory :D
2nd place xD
lol it was pretty fun even though I only said 'AMBER!'
See, Young Eun! Don't trust your so called 'BAD' feeling next time :)
Cause in the end, we still did really well :D

你也是! Since I may not be there, I'll give you mental support ^-^

ends at Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday 24 November 2008Y
Monday :D

Monday morning was terrible...
I spent so much time doing my hair -.-
In the end had to rush like crazy cause I forgot some of my things.
Me and my sis had no water bottles either...
I was so frustrated with her!
She spent so much time on the comp last night and she forgot her paper -.-
I had to scream at her from the lift. >_<
Once in the bus...
omg..I was so sleepy xP
hehe, yea slept late last night...
couldn't sleep -.-
When I woke up, we were at MH district xP

Science class- WE WON! hoho I love Ms Chui xP

Assembly- it was great today xP Macbeth thing lol the chi ver. was rly good. Principal can't even pronouce the word Macbeth properly -.- Macberth...

We missed like 20mins of chinese xD thank goodness we're not in! Or else, I will hate thursday.
Argh... we have a ppt presentation for music! MUSIC! gosh... I was so hungry during lunch. Next time don't pei you already xP Stupid guy. -.- TERESITA CHAN! WHERE'S MY CHIPS?! I ATE LIKE 2?! D:

Our english presentation rocks!!!~~~~~~ it was so damn funny xD But still, you're sick xP
Math was a bore. Nearly died... Cheer time xD lol I think I get it already :D

So glad when class was finally over :D I went over to the art room C: lol it was kinda weird at first. =P yay!!!!!!!!!!!! :D so happy ^-^

ends at Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday 22 November 2008Y
b o r e d o m .

Shoot. I'm so bored now~~~~~~~~~
Someone, save me!
Thank goodness I only have tuition hw left.
But its a crappy compo~~~~
I need a topic..

I think I'll just occupy my thoughts about tomorrow :D
We'll all know the results for the pei yin tomorrow!
I hope we lose xP
Or else, we have to compete infront of everyone -.-
Umm.... I need to go to SuperBrand Mall today xD
Yes... to buy presents =D
umm... many people's birthday coming up.

1. DH
2. Cheryl
3. Beth
4. Regina and Ruben
5. Sally
6. Natalie

I'll check my birthday calender again xD

I love that song alot now :D
With Me by Sum41 really rocks xD
Its my ringtone now ^0^
But I'll never let it be my alarm tone.
Cause I'll just start hating it in no time -.-

hai..sis gotta use comp for her dumb math reflection -.-
We actually have to do reflection for math.
*** ***** just realised she is teaching too fast and she is going through again
what the!!
at least I understand more now?
my math totally sucks.
On thursday, we're gonna have a quiz or smt.

I don't even wanna think about it.


ends at Saturday, November 22, 2008

Home~ Sweet~ Home

I just came home at 10.14pm -.-
I am so tired and sleepy and exhausted and beat ! D;
I felt dehydrated so when I reach home,
I gulped down a cup of water xD
so delicious :D
After that, I went online =P
I haven't even shower yet... later xP
now I must chat!! =D
But so sad... you not online ):
nvm, at least I talked to you in the morning C:

So I started preparing about 1.45...
By the time I finished it was almost 2.30 -.-
Dry hair change bla bla bla~
Walked to mrt station.
Gosh, the traffic so scary la
I waited so long to cross the road D:
anyway i thought I might be late to meet up Young Eun and Melody,
so I ran at some parts :D
I was wearing a long skirt T.T
then a lady on her bike looked at me o.0
Once I was on the train,
many couples were around me -.-
I was gonna check the mrt map, then standing right underneath it
a couple was kissing -.-
and the girl was acting cute infront of her boyfriend -.-
do it in private!
Its gross to see strangers doing that.
they were even tugging at each others shirt. -.-
I didn't want to look at my right hand side...or else I'll risk seeing them doing gross stuff to each other.
The other time I forgot, the guy was kissing her at different parts of her face.

Anyway, I reached early lol
Didn't expect that xD
I called Melody, but she was out so I waited for her at her compound.
Couldn't find her clubhouse so I ask the guard xD
a kid called JP was having a party lol
so many lil' kids xD cute :D
I called Young Eun and she just getting on taxi lol
So I called Kim :D
chat with her for a while and talk about manythings...
then said byebye and called young eun again,
she just got on taxi!
luckily melody arrive :D
she gave me some coke:D
so nice of her C:
it tasted gooddddddddd ^0^
then we called kim :D
Young Eun arrived and we took her taxi :D
lol me and melody forgot the address T.T
Thank goodness Young Eun had it :D
Young Eun told us about how a korean family took her taxi lol
She said ' I think they were rushing'
me and melody said ' So understanding' at the same time :DDDD
We imagined how Sonal's party would be like lol
The building was huge with a fountain with no water xD
That's what I described to kim...

At the party, we all didn't wanna dance lol
We had to be pushed to dance.
They were all so high but we were like the opposite lol
wonder why...
But they were all really really nice ^-^
We kept eating snacks lol
Played truth or dare...

After that, more dancing lol
Then we ate pizza :D
and more food lol I was gonna burst already
Sonal cut the cake :D
Happy birthday! :D
The cake was yummy :D
hehe C:

Going back home was T.T
It was raining!
My feet were killing me I tell you!
gonna have blisters already D:
I had to run in them!
ballet flats...!
And since it was raining, many people were taking taxis so there weren't any. -.-
Me and Melody decided to take train,
so we asked for directions :D
THey told us it was far... D:
then we ask another person, she offered to point out to us how to go :D
so nice of her!
but she said we should take taxi
its too far...
we saw an empty taxi!
but just as we were going there, a stupid man appeared from no where and went inside!
gosh so angry
we were like 'WHAT THE HELL.''
We decided to call kim to send us :D
So, we walked back to where we came from and her driver dropt me and Melody off at the station :D
So touched ^-^
Then my train come and when I reached mum picked me up.
so sleep now...
Don't feel like showering again...
night night~ C:

ends at Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday 21 November 2008Y
Saturday Morning.

Alarm rang at 8.
Switched it off xP
Surprisingly, my parents already woke up -.-
I'm normally the one who wakes up first.
Ended up waking at 8.35.
I wanted to sleep somemore, but I was freezing, stupid quilt -.-
And, my parents were playing music so loudly D:
Anyway, from earlier till now,
I'm freezing...
Went online to do eng task D:
What the...
geo report was just over and now there's an eng task and test on thursday...
Kim, I chose rainbow background :D
I'm so nice right? xD
Have to finish up most of my hw now.
I'll be meeting up with Melody and Young Eun later to go to Sonal's party :D
They are so nice you know ^-^
I love you guys ! :D
Stayed up late last night to pei someone C:
Yesterday, all the convos make me very confused lol.
Watched vids at youtube, thanks Jack!
Everyone was rushing for geo task...
Thankgoodness its over ! :DDDDD Yay! ^-^

ends at Friday, November 21, 2008


I was so busy yesterday...!
stupid geo report T.T
but, at around 8.10pm (according to Young Eun :D)
We finally finished it!!
so pro xP
Young Eun went to enjoy her show xD
while I.... chatted away happily ^-^
I was really happy yesterday night ^~^
Don't tell you why xP
I'll write it where nobody can see :D

Hey... Thank you for always being there for me ^-^
我遇到困难时,你也会为我加油。 ^-^
Whenever I need you, you're always there...
So, when you need me, I'll always make sure I'll be there for you.
I promise you (:
'when I have problems you will come when I need you you will come thank you for the help mahal kita'
I should be saying thank you to you too...
Mahal Kita C:

Today was well BORING.
Except lunch lol
Went over to diamond and watch Clarissa and Natalie play psp.
Teresita came in to tell me someone stole the chips!
that terrible person!!!
so the day ended sucky . -.-

ends at Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday 19 November 2008Y
Third Day of Da Week; Wednesday...

Today was preeeeeeeeeety boring. lol
Don't get why I actually laugh at this statement xD
Had AMC for first period.
Anyhow guess for those questions I dunno.
then came math, so unlucky la.
Mdm L. call me up to explain my ans T.T
I was just standing there looking at her marker...
Argh, Geo!! omg... I couldn't concentrate for so many reasons.

I was hungry.
I want to chat.
I was bored.
I can't focus!

I saw 11.11 C:
At first I saw 11.10.
Then I just stared at the computer clock waiting for it to turn to 11.11 :D

Didn't do much in the lab so now I'm stuck with loads of hw at home... ):!!

The chicken in lunch was weird today.
I didn't have appetite o0...
I used my fork to eat but then I just gave up lol
I chose my spoon.
I was still hungry so drank some soup :D
Went to look for Teresita play ABC :D
She ask me who's playing then I say I dunno.
She told me that I was wasting her time, she could have done her banner.
But I reminded her that she could hit me hard.
And she said 'THAT'S TRUE!'
we played abc which was kinda boring at first lol
Noone hit hard!
Only at the later part, then Teresita started to torture me T.T
Hit me so hard -.-
My hands were all red.
Went to pearl to continue...
haha it was pretty fun xP
Went back to class for DT.
I was so bored.
Me and Young Eun were playing 'Would You Rather....?'
lol, haha we were sick xPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Young Eun had white hair!
xD hoho
Arm wrestles were going on xP
I played with Cheryl lol
It hurt so much!
Haha, but I think we were equal xD
Just slacked throughout the lesson.
Waited for my mum's call.
Finally called! I saw the car xD
My frens thought I was sick ):
I'm not sick lol

Got into car, listen to ipod and read book.
Freaking Jam.
Anyway, went to the hospital for nothing.
The expats one was so ex.
Went to the local one.
She was talking on the phone and twirling her pen.
She just told me to go to the other nurse who was talking to another nurse.
Fucking hell...
I sweared under my breath and made a comment saying this is the service you get when you come here.
Gosh, I'm never going back there again.
So I just wasted my time.
At least I missed DT and Art?
I think I rather attend my lessons.


ends at Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday 18 November 2008Y
Monday & Tuesday...

umm... haha I was too lazy to post yesterday xD
nvm, I love yesterday <3333333

The only thing I could remember was I was happy beyond words (:

'No words can describe how happy I am not. Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuuu!'

hehe, that was my p.m yesteday ^-^
I was really happy la...
Thanks so much... I really love it alot! <3
I was holding on to it for the whole ride C:

Today, after PE, I was feeling kinda tired...
dunno why! argh...
I'm sorry to let you think I was angry or upset at you...
I shouldn't have been like this! ):
I don't want you to feel so nei jiu... ): make you think until like that...

'just be happy nomater what ok'


But, I'm really happy to know that you care about me :D
lol, I also promise to play badminton with you by the end of the year. (:
I'm being kinda dumb.
So scared that I'll diu wo de lian and ni de lian...
I still have about a month from now to decide when...


I'm gonna have a doctor's appointment so I'll be missing DT and art (:
But, I won't be able to .... ):
Hopefully we can play ABC :DDDDDDDDDDD
yay! CAN' WAIT! ^-^
o0, had lots of fun earlier talking about what we like ^-^
tomorrow again =P

I love you C:

ends at Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday 15 November 2008Y
Weekend :D

I'm kinda disappointed that its another weekend is here..
But I still feel happy ^-^

You never fail to make me happy C:

So I woke up at around 11 today xP
I was so sleeeeeeeeeeeepy (:
set the time at 8 originally xD
After breakfast started on hw T.T
I need comments on my first paragraph!
dunno whether its like an intro or not...
I really gotta relax and enjoy myself...
Getting myself all stressed up won't help -.-
So I took a bath to get ready to go out and then I signed in again :DDDD
Chattttttttttttt........ ^-^

Took train with family to a station after jing an temple.
Damn crowded.
The people stank I tell you T.T
Walked around first cause dinner was at 6.15 :D
so bored...
Sis kept annoying me; she was poking and hitting me!
what the...!
so annoying...
Kept walking and looking for the restaurant T.T
Once we got there, I liked the restaurant immediately xP
Italian food!

I ordered lagsanne :DDDDDDDDDDD
the last time i ate it was so many years ago i think and the school's one is not counted!
It was just weird -.-
The appetizer was not very good.
At least that's my opinion.
I finished all my food :D
can't wait to go back there :D
though its a lil' ex but its worth it xP
I tried the wine.
It tasted gross.
I don't like the burning sensation -.-
I think beer is still better T.T
I'm not saying I drink.
anyway, after that took train back home again -.-



ends at Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday 14 November 2008Y
FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUACKZ! :P

I'm so happy today!!!
lol, from morning till the end of the school was
G-R-E-A-T !!!
Its making up for those days I felt so down. Especially yesterday...):
I believe in that phrase :D
Cause it always seem to happen. In a good way ^-^
Though the classes were quite boring; many of our teachers went away to India...
BUT, in between classes were great xP
haha won't tell you =P
During science, played 'Would you rather'
haha gosh KIM AND YOUNG EUN were so sick T.T
and many questions involve S****T xP
I can't seem to think of questions...
mine are boring lol
I'm feeling hungry now :D
Really really happy today you know...
Can't wait till monday and wednesday <333>

ends at Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday 13 November 2008Y

OK Today was boring.
English class was just boring.
The class was so silent.
Chinese was ok I guess.. had to do the pei yin thing.
We didn't even prepare -.-
Geo was ok. At least we got to go to the lab.
Lunch was super boring.
I can't help but feel nervous whenever * *** *** *** !!!
I can't think of anything to say.
So pathetic.
Young Eun says she is disappointed in me ):
Well, I agree. I'm disappointed too.
I hate it when I sound so depressed.
Its so pathetic.
These few days, I'm feeling pretty down.
IMY ):
It really sucks that this happened.
Wish I can transfer...

After lunch was PE and I totally suck at it.
I nearly fell asleep during math.
Gosh, how can you understand that.
At the end of the day...... I guess that was really pathetic too.
It has been a week...
I know to you it may be kinda dumb that I'm counting,
But I'm just really happy that we can be together ^~^
I wanna keep on counting. I don't care if I have to count till the infinities'.
These few days, I'm feeling rather down.
But just seeing you and your smile,
my heart gives that super fast beat.
It makes me nervous but at least I know that its you making me feel that way C:
I just wish I have more courage.
You wanna know why I like you?
I'll give you the list :P
Erm.. just have to wait for the right time..
I miss you already...
Aileen C:

ends at Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday 12 November 2008Y

So far this week, Monday was still the best xP
Yesterday I can't really remember anything..
CCA I was hit on by a ball on my hand and leg T.T
After that just walked to the gym carrying the sticks.
WAIT! I remember smt!

I was kinda crazy at DT lol
B4 that Young Eun was imitating the drama teacher xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
then I kinda got into it...
stupid person keep kicking my chair ><
And, that wasn't really threatening either.
art was ok.
Met Clarissa after that.
Young Eun went to see her husband;
The Famous Issac Newton.
So pro right? Her husband so old already.
I guess age doesn't matter it love. lol
I also remembered something.
It was really freaky with the break up between Young Eun and Melody.
It seemed so real!
scared me..
haha, but Melody found someone else during lunch;
lol and they got together in front of her ex xP

ends at Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday 10 November 2008Y
Monday C:

Woke up so early today -.-
5.55am! D:
Was so sleepy in the bus.
Slept for a while :D
Science was ok. I found it hard to focus though.
Assembly, they made the secondary devision and upper level to sing the school song.
Thank goodness my class was not the one facing the primary and below T.T
Chinese was funny lol
the teacher's drawing was.... T.T lol xD
Music!! omg...we actually have hw -.-
lunch was ok.
english was boring.
math was fun :D
lol not cause of the lessons xP
cause of the magazine xP
Gindah's gonna lend me one xD
Me and Yan Ping were upset at first over our marks but then Young Eun told us it was upon 6! :D
haha it made me happier xP
Went to art room after school :D
In the bus. so bored and sleepy.


ends at Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday 9 November 2008Y
My Weekend C:

So glad to be back in school tomorrow xD

Hmm...lemme recall what happened yesterday xP


Woke up around 10.

Surprisingly sis was already up o0

I set the alarm at 8 but I was too lazy to wake up xD

Signed it on msn...

Can't really remember what happened except that I was really starving T.T

I had wonton mee :D

skip skip skip

got ready to go out to zhong shan park.

damn it was freezing!

the wind was really annoying.

my hair!!

ends at Sunday, November 09, 2008

Friday 7 November 2008Y

I didn't get to post yesterday cause I was really busy with hw...D:
But yesterday was a good day in maybe just one way lol
But that one way can make someone smile like a total wacko =P
I don't wanna talk about the stressing stuff :X
Today, I don't get why must it rain.
I really dislike rainy days in shanghai.
It makes your hair or tangled.
I scared Clarissa xP
first period was....english T.T
then science which was ok.
Geo----we got to go around the school :D
haha diamond was doing theirs too so I got to see Clarissa C:
Chinese,,,,,the bear was cute C:
Grouped with natalie and teresita :D
but we dunno which movie yet...
Lunch was Ok.
Had a Secret class meeting.
drama was ...
lol, I wished the windows were tinted or smt.
Its so embarassing.
Ruby was laughing at us -.-
And some of us couldn't do that duck thing with your legs :P
English again.
So much snacks xP
Food heaven xD
Played ABC C:
gosh, you hit so hard!
Then, truth or dare (:
it was prettu scary.
I gained weight because of it T.T
Pearl was envious lol
I'm getting pissed at my hair as the days pass.
Its always so messy in the afternoon.
Then I get to stressed. ):
For some reason, I felt kinda gloomy at the end of the day... ):
Don't know why.
So many things happened in this week C:
Good things :D

I.L.Y <3

ends at Friday, November 07, 2008

Wednesday 5 November 2008Y

So glad the teacher didn't take up our PC time again.
Math is getting really boring.
Went up to audi :D
Voted for new president, and we're gonna have new uniforms! :D
hai...but hopefully I'll still be here to wear it...
Math was pretty scary.
YoungEun's equation was full of pies T.T
The teacher said she already have test questions in mind.
Its not gonna be good.
Geo is gonna kill me.
Lunch was ok.
I'm so nice (:
So I should definitely get my stapler back :D
or else!!!
DT was so boring.
We went to the comp lab and many of us were just not doing the task xP
Got to chat :D
Secrets were EXPOSED...
Art went quite fast today C:
Went upstairs to look for clarissa but she wasn't there ):
But she told me she was also upstairs lol xD
nvm, hopefully we won't miss each other again! ^-^
Thank you Ji Won! :D
you rock! ^0^
I better Jiayou :D

Obama won (: haha yay :D
You should be happy lol C:


ends at Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tuesday 4 November 2008Y

:D was lazy to post yesterday.

Erm, it was pretty stressing D:
Lunch time was really terrible.
You should have seen Kim xP
She kept pulling me. T.T
Thankgoodness Clarissa didn't (:
Or else I wouldn't have survived lunch.
I was so scared ok...
English class- My marks totally suck.
Gosh, deproved so much.
Math- lol the teacher is so blur like a sotong T.T
I mean can't she see what's everyone actually doing?!
hoho :P
nvm, but I'm thankful I have a teacher like her (:



C: C: C: C: C: C: C: C:

I'm smiling like a total idiot :D


who cares :P


wth man!!!
So many incidents which cause me physical pain happened T.T
There were quite a few that I started a list already. -.-
Well, it started with kim xP
You started it!
Early morning go hit me with badminton racket somemore.
You just arrived in school T.T
Then PE, we're having floorball :D
I was happy, until I fell down kneeling.
What made the fall worse was the a stick was underneath my leg.
I broke the stick -.-
Freak, there was a little blood and now I have a swollen blue-black leg.
AFTER PE, someone threw the cone and it hit my back D:
I thought that was the end of it.
During cca,
I feel down again.
In a position like someone was gonna propose -.-
shit la, it was the leg which had blueblack!
Then later in the game,
someone hit the ball so hard, it hit my finger -.-
Another time, the ball was hit so hard and it hit my blueblack leg T.T!
Oh and the defender of the other team,
she wanted to get the ball which was near my leg,
she kept missing.
So you know what?!
She swung her stick back and forth trying to hit the ball and at the same time hitting my blueblack leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the end of the day,
my leg was more bruised than ever.
thanks alot. T.T
End of cca, went to gym.
I met Kim :D
she was going crazy.
Telling me so many things.
I was so blur, trying to register what she was saying.
Only walking back then I understood T.T
I sent her a long sms lol xD

Smiling like siao xP

ends at Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sunday 2 November 2008Y
Sundae :P

Hai..I miss eating sundaes D:
lol, I seldom even eat it actually xD
But it just popped into my mind,
now I wanna sundae!! xP
I dreamt today,
but was woken up by alarm T.T
I can't remember the dream ....
Alarm rang at 8, I set it to 8.15.
But then I decided 'I wanna sleep longer!'
So I set it to 8.30 xP
But for some reason,
when I checked my hp when I woke up
it was 9.30 T.T
Noone in my house woke up yet -.-
Ended up drawing the curtains as always...
Switched on the tv and scanned through some channels.
Switched it off T.T
Read New Moon :D
The rest of the day was just me doing hw, playing psp, chatting online xP
Can't believe it.

I'm actually HAPPY to return to school :D
hehe C:

Another exciting day?
Who knows? xP

ends at Sunday, November 02, 2008

Saturday 1 November 2008Y
Saturdaaaaaaaay :D

Today, whole family went out... C:?
anyway, I was angry at the taxi drver D:<
We were suppose to go to the fu zhou lu bookstore,
he used the longer way.
what the heck!
dad was pissed so he said we get off.
The fare was much more than normal and we still had to walk so far.
This was the part which I got more angry.
My sis kept complaining that I nearly poked her with the umbrella.
Not my fault xP
I couldn't see :D
lol, then my parents went to stop at some shop -.-
waste time!
Me and my sis were arguing.
Not a very good way of spending time.
Then I was like day dreaming, and I nearly poked her again.
haha she asked me to face the other way, and I nearly poked the person behind me :X
anyway, I nearly hit many people =P
The pathway was narrow!
That's my excuse :P

At the bookstore...
the guy at the store approached me telling me to sign up about something.
the way he talked was kinda weird...
then I said ' wo bu yao'
he still continued -.-
When to the third level,
not many interesting books though.
hah! sis didn't buy Breaking Dawn XP
The sky turned dark at 5.30 D:
hai...so sad.
That's another reason why I don't like winter...
Took train to super brand mall :D
Mum was giving me some sort of lecture..D:
Turns out that we took the wrong train...-.-
Argh, lazy to write about what happened.
I ate then walk to Cityshop.
went to the wrong way again T.T
the cereal and hersheys were so tempting T.T

Home at last!
sis rushed to the tv -.-
I rushed to the laptop! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
feeling really tired now D:
have to revise DD:

Ok then, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

Can't wait till Monday :D

ends at Saturday, November 01, 2008