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Friday 27 February 2009Y
26 February 2009 (:

:D haha, can you believe it? I'm super duper ultra mega happy right now (:

Who knew it would come so soon? =P haha I least expected it...

It was a really good day yesterday you know. Started from 5.13pm (: I was so happy I cried...(:

I really missed you during those 51 days...

You know, I treasure you more than anything.

I always thought that I was the only one feeling that way...

Never thought that you would be feeling the same.

Thank you God...For everything you've blessed me with...

Mahal Kita <3

My brother's baby entered the Earth yesterday at 10pm!!

lol xD I sms-ed my bro at about 11, and then he replied saying that he is born already! :DDDD

I went shouting to my parents xD


His name is Aloysius Lim. I dunno what's the chinese name though :X

But anyway, glad that my bro kept up with the 'tradition' of having a name starting with the letter 'A'. :DDD

Alan, Alvin, Aileen, Alison...

I'll upload pics as soon as my brother sends me (x

hoho, can't wait till I get to see him :D

I'm an auntie of my bro's child :DD

But if his child has to call me auntie then I'll sound OLD.


Oh well, xD

At least I have someone to play with when I'm at home in S'pore x)

My gege is actually a dad now... (: Time passes so fast. Not that I saw my bro grow up but I did see him when he was in his young adult days x) I think my gege and jiejie Stella will be great parents :D Hey, my bro will be a fun dad you know! :D He plays comp games :D He makes lame jokes (...), he plays xbox, ps etc He loves animals xD And I think jie jie Stella will be a great mum too :D She's so nice, she cooks xD And she's really creative in nails too (: I still don't know much about her, but I know that she'll be a great mum (:


CONGRATULATIONS gege and jiejie S. on your Baby (: !!!

Be COOL parents okay? =D

Hey, I prayed to God already for the both of us, that you wouldn't get any detention =P I believe my prayers will be answered, then I can spend time with you (:

I love you more than anything.

ends at Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday 26 February 2009Y

You know what?

I'm super duper ultra mega happy right now :DDDDD


I cried (:

ends at Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday 24 February 2009Y

Yay, changed my blogskin :D I was getting sick of the previous one :X Apparently, I get over the skins I choose very easily. No time to edit blog today, leave it till friday night ): So...today sucked? Kept seeing him during lunch. I want to see him. But its not like I'll say anything to him... So I just hang around the corridor and avoid looking at his direction, just paying attention to my friends. Pathetic much? -.- The day didn't suck cause of that. It just sucked cause I'm a total coward. I wanna thank Kim for recommending the chilli and rice to me :D

But poor Kim was burning D: hai...Get well kay? (: Don't be sick. And must be kai xin...(:
Another thing why today sucked. His freaking pm. I'm just frustrated that I don't know who's he saying that too... Is 's' a person or a thing? -.- If its a thing, I'll be very happy. If its a person, ... I can just faint. Man...I feel so stressed over him. Things were so simple when I was 12. I didn't think about all this things yet. But I'm not complaining. I still love my life no matter how it is. This is life. And I believe that one day, all this frustration and sadness and pain will all go away. I'm the only one who can make that happen...
I don't dare tell him. But like what DH said, the early bird gets the worm :X The earlier I tell, the more I have chance. I feel like just asking one of my friend to help me...): But that's not the correct way right..? I just gotta jia you...
- That's the line I always pay attention to in Evan Yo's 我想要说
If only I have the courage to tell him that...
Everyday I pray to God and my Guardian Angel seeking for more courage and strength to face each day...


ends at Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday 23 February 2009Y

Monday was monday.
Passed by very fast...
It was quite boring today :X

Saw something which totally freaked me out today.
His pm...
As soon as I saw that, I just started freaking out.
Gosh, who is that lucky person??!
I envy that person la.
Ya I know, I tend to be negative cause I don't want to expect so much and then just be disappointed in the end.

1. He could be saying that to a guy :X

Though not really possible... cause guys normally don't say that to each other.

2. He could be saying that to another girl ! D:

I think it may be possible cause there might be a girl he knows who was so nice and so outgoing etc etc...

3. For fun.

Who knows?


ok nvm, you know what? I decided that I'll tell this friday...
If I got rejected, then I have the weekend to mourn over it. Eat like crazy. Then monday just avoid. -.- Ya I'm an expertise in avoiding you know.


ends at Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday 22 February 2009Y

[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-Father
[ ] Step-Mother
[ ] Step Sister
[ ] Step Brother
[ ] Brother
[ ] Brother In Law (step)
[x] Sister
[x] Sister In Law
[ ] Half sister
[x] Half brothers
[x] Nephew
[x] Niece
[x] Mobile phone
[ ] Own bathroom
[x] Own room
[ ] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[ ] Living Room in your room
[ ] Own car
[ ] Own TV
Total So Far: 9

[ ] Full size/Queen bed
[ ] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[x] MP3 Player/iPod
[ ] PS2
[ ] Nintendo DS or PSP
[x] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] xbox
[ ] Wii
[ ] Your Own Laptop
Total so far: 11

[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] Fooseball table
Total so far: 11

[ ] Night stand
[ ] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] DVD player in bedroom
total so far: 11

[ ] Go shopping at least once a week
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] camera on phone
total so far: 13

[x] Go Cart/car/quad
[ ] Guitar/drums/bass guitar
[ ] Piano/Keyboard
[ ] Any other instrument
[x] Been on a cruise
[x] Traveled out of the country
[x] Traveled out of the continent
[x] Had a personal trainer
[x] Expensive jewelery
[x] Met a celebrity
Total so far: 20

[x] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to a batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/ wallet
[ ] Credit card or atm card or debit card or bank card
[x] have a tv (not in your room)
[ ] Mirror in your room
Total so far: 22

[x] Window in your room
[x] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to the Bahamas
[ ] Been to Mexico
[ ] Been to Jamaica
Total so far: 24

[ ] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a Jet ski/boat
[ ] Had/have Camper
[x] Been to 3+ states
[x] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace
Total so far: 26

[x] Home cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[x] Own a camera
[ ] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times
total: 28

Post as:
1-22 = Ghetto
23-33 = Average Teen
34-39 = Spoiled TEEN
40+ = Upper Class Snob

Result: Average Teen :D

To Regina,
I guess this explained alot right? :XXX

ends at Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bored, so do quiz :D

1] Two names you go by?
Aileen, Alien :D

2] Four things you are wearing right now?
Long sleeve pullover, Another pullover, pants and underwear.

3] Are u in a relationship?

4] Have you ever been given a rose?
Yeah haha I just got my first one from Kimberly ^^

5] Have you ever licked a photo ?
eww no.

6] Have you ever dated someone twice?
I don't go on dates.

7] Do you believe that every one has a soul- mate?
Yup (:

8] What's your current problem?
One regarding him...Second one is with my parents, I just can't seem to control my anger and third all those freaking task we get! ><

9] Have you ever had your heart broken?

10] Do you throw around the word love?
I don't throw, when I say it I mean it.

11] Are you a loser ?
Don't think so :X

12] How many kids do you want to have?
Four maybe x)

13] What is/are your favorite color/s?
Purple, pink, turqoise

15] Have you ever found it hard to tell anyone you love them?

16] Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died would you get re-married?
If I do meet someone who really loves and cares for me, I'll think about it.

17] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
umm...4? :X

18] What song do you want played at your wedding?
Umm...I need you x)

19] Do you love anyone?

20] Have you made out with some one you like on your top?
No :X

21] Have you ever written a love song/ poem?
Its kinda like a poem I think.

23) Are you a shy person?
Yeah D:

24) Did you have a good day today?
No -.- Got lectured just almost an hour after I woke up -.-

25) Do you like anyone?
Yes..but the feeling is so much, its love. Yeah I know, I'm crazy.

26) What are you thinking about?
Thinking about how I'm gonna tell him.

27) If you could change something about you or anything what would it be?
I wanna be more outgoing, more courageous, more hard working.

28] Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships?
Yup definitely.

29) Who's the closest person to you?
Regina&Ruben and all my close friends :x

30) how long have you know that person?
Regina&Ruben :D Since I was born :DDD and since he was born :DDD
Close friends- Some almost 4 years, some almost 2years :D

ends at Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday 21 February 2009Y

Yeah..that's exactly what I wanna say to you.
What's gonna be your reply?
After I tell you everything, many things will be different.
At least that's how I feel...
If rejection if your answer, I'm gonna accept it.
I have to.
I'll tell myself that there is someone out there for me who'll always be there for me.
If you accept, I'll treasure you more than anything else.
Well, I already treasure you more than anything else...
I will never let you go.
I still remember what you told me last time.
'I'll be there 4ever ok?'
I can't explain how happy I was at that time.
I only know that after reading what you said, I cried.
That explained alot (:
Noone has ever said that to me before.
I know that you can't really promise that.
But I didn't care.
At that time, I knew that if you ever bu with me.
You had a reason to.
I'm scared of the answer that I'm gonna get.
But I have to do it.
I can't continue living like this.
I have to live.
I have to face whatever the answer is.
You know...
I love you.

ends at Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hot Guy :D

Jackson Rathbone
Hot guy from Twilight :DDD!!!
Damn cute right?!! (x

Even better looking that Rob Pattison -.-

ends at Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday 20 February 2009Y

I'm rushing to watch tv now :D So this will be fast :X
Last night, I changed my blogskin :D I'm sure Kim will be quite happy with it (: Its not emo! :D Chatted with Kim last night. Somehow, talking about the past makes me really happy you know (: Told her about things which happened between us last year...It was really fun (: I mean it x) But when I think about it on my own before I go to sleep, I cry instead...-.- I wish that things like that would happen again... I want it to be the present too, not just the past...

I made a deal with Kim. At least like that I'll make sure I WILL TELL. So if I dont' tell by midnight of 16 march, I will owe Kim and DH 10 yuan each T.T I HAVE TO TELL!!! :X omgomg, thinking about it freaks me out T.T Nvm, jia you :D !!!!!!!!

aileen (:

ends at Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday 19 February 2009Y

I'm gonna bathe in like 5 minutes, so it'll be real quick.
Clarissa and I walked to the end of the corridor again ! (:
Its lots of fun you know x)
Chatted about what's going on...

Oh, Math was fun today :D!!
LOL, my teacher let us play a game today; snakes and ladders xD
I have not played that in a really long time xP
But we don't use dice to win :X We do MATH QUESTIONS.
haha, but my group very smart xD!
We use rubric cube and paste sticker paper for the number :D
I was winning.
But freaking snake bit me and I went down T.T
In the end, the three of us (me, wai yin and shreet) won one game each xD
Cool (:

Waited for Clarissa after school, thought about hiding in the toilet first -.-
haiyo...see, I avoid! ><
ok nvm =.=
hah, gave my sis the umbrellas to carry xP
Clare said I was acting weird...:X
Yeah, maybe I am -.-

In the bus, I looked out of the window, trying to just catch a glimpse of you...

ends at Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday 18 February 2009Y

Kim wrote this to cheer me up on that day after that happened... (:

Kim I love you too ! :DDD
And of cause all of you guys too =P
You know who you are right? :D

ends at Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aileen, jia you jia you jia you~!

Today was a complete emo day for me -.- Sorry Kim...T.T I wasn't like Joseph at all :X But really, I'm very scared! >< down =".=">

I spend everyday thinking about him, wanting to tell him but I don't dare to.
I worry whether he likes someone though I know I don't even have the right to.
I listen to sad songs on my ipod thinking about how sad this is.
I stare at my msn screen looking at his online msn name and not talk to him.
I wish I can see him everyday.
I avoid that class.
I don't look at his direction.
I think about the past every night before I go to sleep, it hurts so much that I start to have tears but stop them in time.
I wish that I am stronger.
I just feel annoyed at myself for all these things.
I wish I can read his mind so that I know what to do...
I wish he knows what I'm feeling right now.
I hope he understands when I tell him.
I don't need to be with him, just being friends is okay. But I AM the problem. I'm not really trying...
I want to travel back in time to the day I confessed, the day he gave me my first present from him etc etc....
There's just so many to list. I wanna go back to the past.

what the heck man?! I just wish that everything is solved already. But I know that will not happen if I don't change how things are. I GOT TO!!!
Aileen, 加油!!!
hai...this reminds me of the time when he was the one who was telling me to jia you...in korean...
See, everything I do, it just reminds me fo him.
Oh, '忘不了' is playing on itunes now...T^T

ends at Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monday 16 February 2009Y
Monday x)

Monday started out ok (:
That's good ^^ Hopefully it'll be better for the rest of the week.

Science- Did math :X Didn't really listen -.-

P.E- Dance was pretty fun xD Kim was violent T.T Hit so pain ! D:

Assembly- The kid's answer was funny xD 'Over 40 degrees?' xD

Chinese- ok ok. Stupid passage have to read.

Lunch- Interrogation :X Poor Mel. They think I'm sick -.- You guys are the one who's sick ><> I got to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me courage... rang wo da dan de shuo chu lai...

Math was ok, I understood (: Drama was boring -.- Weird silent game. Then, had to think of someone which made you happy/ sad/ angry/ fearful. The first two emotions came from the first person... At least I didn't lose it, though my eyes nearly teared... I was feeling very emotion-less at that time. Also now acutally. :X

Eng was boring.

Sms-ed Clarissa~ She was gonna have 2hrs of tuition T.T I wanted to save her with my helicopter :D But it didn't exist D:! So she had the tuition classes.

Mainly today was good cause, _____ talked to me. Though it was like for a few mins only. I found it awkward... I asked him how was he, then he asked me how was I. I said' I'm ok i guess lol'. wth, that was a total lie la. But its not like I can say 'No, of course I'm not okay!! I want to tell you something, but I don't have the courage too!' Ya like I can say that.

Damn, I got to stop being sarcastic. I hate it when I'm like that. I just feel totally emotionless now. But once I get thinking...sigh...

I can't possibly just tell him that I'm not ok. He's gonna ask me why.

anyway, hope I get my courage, hope everyone's happy.


ends at Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday 14 February 2009Y

Happy Valentines Day!

Remember that Aileen Loves you ok? (:

hehe, its Valentines! :D

But yeah, I'm single T.T

Oh well, just celebrate with my girlfriends :X

To Kimberly T :

Thank You for the rose (:

I love it :D

First time someone gave me a rose on Valentines (:

I had a 'date' with my family at Crystal Jade :D

The food rocked :D

Especially the Peking Duck (:

I ate too much, the tofu rocked too :D

Since it was Valentines,,,,,

I decide to count the number of couples I saw when I was out :D

I counted till 200 (: Decided cause I was getting dizzy; there were so many as I walked :X

Oh but plus my parents, there are 201 ! :D

Number of Couples I saw: 201 :D

I also counted the number of people I saw holding flowers (:

Number of People I saw with Flowers: 39 :D

These people are so lucky x)

Sigh..I hope they'll always be happy together forever (:

Enjoy every second you're with your special person! :D

aileen (:


I love you guys (:

wo ai ni men :D


ends at Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday 13 February 2009Y
I Must Be like Joseph (:

Yes, I will do my best to be just like Joseph in the bible story. (:

Thanks Kim for telling me the story yesterday... ^-^
I felt much better.
Last night, I thought I couldn't take it anymore. ):
But I'm better now, and I have a plan.
Which I HAVE to carry out or else I'll probably regret not doing that for my entire life.
I really need lots of courage to do that :X
The thought of it makes my heart beat really fast T.T

I had a really good sleep last night :D
Though I had a dream -.-
Kinda weird in a way xD
It was about a roller coaster ride which was also like an exploring game...:X

Anyway, went out with Kim, Clarissa, Melody, Young Eun and Yan ping :D
Had a hard time finding them :X
My feet started to hurt. D:
Had burger king; my all time fav Swiss Burger :D
Melody likes it too (:
Burger King was very quiet.
Clarissa thought it was spooky, but Young Eun loved the peace xD
I care about my burger only <3333>
Bought 3 earrings at the 2yuan shop:
At first I was sitting down cause my feet hurt like hell, then smt attracted my eye =D!
I had a great urge to get up and buy them :D
Thanks Yan Ping for bringing us there x)

Oh and,
Sorry you guys!
I make you guys walk until very tired T.T
Next time I will know the way properly then bring you guys there ^^

Walked till the Bund :X
Stupid feet got wet in stupid gross water D:
Took ferry to Pudong :D
Walked to super brand mall. (:
Went to arcade but wasn't in the mood to play cause I had blisters on my feet -.-\
walked to charter house with Clarissa.
Boring D:
Went down to mac and saw YE&K.
I ate nuggets.
went home at 5 :D
Stupid taxi so long -.-

Checked on my feet.
It was horrible T^T
My skin was peeled ):
And Red too )):
Very very pain! ):
Had blisters on three parts of each foot.
Put band aid on them.
Hope it heals =P

aileen (:

美玲!你要加油:D !

ends at Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday 12 February 2009Y

I'm back to posting~
It hasn't been a good week for me.
And Saturday is Valentine's Day.
The day which I'll be the most lonely, probably just staying at home doing homework and then going out with my family.
I don't wanna let that happen.
It Sucks.

Went to bed quite early.
I didn't have any homework, and I started reading.
Which of course, let my thoughts wonder which then led to self depression.
I couldn't take it so I had to rest my head on the table.
I'm sick ):
It doesn't really suck cause it fits me perfectly.
Now I'm both physically and mentally ill.
My throat started becoming sore at lunch and I started sneezing too ><
This morning, I was hoping that I could get fever and just stay at the clinic all day.
Well, I wasn't 'lucky' enough.
hai...my voice has kinda changed.
I couldn't read the words properly during tuition; many words were read wrongly :X
Oh well...
Back to yesterday's early night...
Went to bed at about 9.20, but I didn't fall asleep till like almost 10 I guess...
I kept thinking and thinking and thinking, till I fell asleep.
You know what?
I really miss you.
Saying this is also no use, you wouldn't know.
Even if you knew, will you care?

My insides are hurting all over...
And its not just cause of him.
The fact that
1. I can't tell him that I love him.
2. I'm going back to S'pore for good.
3. My grades and school. ( I always do my best, just that its always not enough for my parents...)
4. What will happen when I get back there.
5. I don't have the courage to even say Hi to him...
6. I'm scared of the future.

All these things... I nearly cried just now. Tears were already there...But I couldn't cry. I don't wanna hear the lecture I'll get. I'm slowly breaking down...

ends at Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday 10 February 2009Y

I'm going crazy :X
o0...10.10pm :D
lol Double Digit.
So today, school kinda sucked.
Sigh...there weren't any 'HI' between us.
Are we gonna continue being like this? ...
I hope not...
Talk about happy things now. :X
But my mind just keeps leading me to sad stuff T.T
Hopefully Sally can come too (:
I miss her D:
On 25th march :D Teresita's birthay xD
I can't wait :D
But hopefully she can join our classes or smt, or else she'll be bored D:
Yay! No school this friday (:
I'm actually happy lol
Dunno why.
No need to study that day I guess.
Gonna go for hair treatment thing to maintain the straightness of my hair xD
Mum ask me to go, or else money wasted.
Then probably just gonna walk around there.
Go NIKE shop.
My mum say she'll buy for me xP
hehe, happy (x
Okay...other happy things?
I so happy :D
Gonna be 14 :X
Oh well, one year older again x:
This Saturday is Valentine's Day.
It'll be a lonely day for me :X
But I will write my friends a love letter :DDD
And try to fold hearts for them (:
LES :o!
Who cares? xD
I love you guys alot! :DD

aileen (:

Somebody...make me laugh or smile or do something to distract him out of my mind...Please?

But I know that...no one will give me the laughter or the smile I have when he is the one who makes me happy...

I still love him.

ends at Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday 8 February 2009Y

I feel very down now...

ends at Sunday, February 08, 2009

Saturday 7 February 2009Y

Another quiz from Shirley :D I'm bored -.- You guys might not want to read it cause its boring.

Typical Basics

What is your name?: Aileen Lim May Ling.

How old are you?: I'll be 14 in 41 days.

Married, single, taken?: Single.

Do you have any kids?: In the future, I want 4 (:!

If so, how many?: .

Pets?: Dog, Riskie :D


Middle school?: SSIS.

High school?: A JC in s'pore.

Did you like school?: Yup.

Are you in college? Where?: Not yet, But I wanna go NUS.

If so, what are you majoring in?: Don't know yet :D


Who is your best friend?: Alot of people xD

Do you have more close friends or acquaintances?: Close friends.

Do you have online friends you've never met?: I don't really like having online friends unless they're friends of my friends.

Do you have more online friends or "real" friends?: Real Friends (:

What do you like to do with your friends?: Talk, play, watch movies, eat :D


What is your favourite "pet" animal?: Doggie =P

What's your favourite wild animal?: umm...tiger.

How many pets would you have if you could take care of them?: one.

What would they be?: Dog :D


If you could look like anything, what would it be?: I just try to be happy with how I look like :X

More space for your answer: lol, taller! but not so tall. And slim.

Where would you live if you were this person/thing?: In Shanghai or Singapore.

What would your friends look like/be?: Themselves.

What "magical powers" would you have?: Mind reading, telepathy :D Or the ability to make everyone happy (:

Would you have a sidekick?: haha yup xP

What would they be like?: Funny, nice, gives opinions etc


Where do you work?: School D:

How much are you paid?: Nothing.

Do you like working there?: haha yup xD

What do you do?: Study eat make friends :D

What would you do if you could have any job?: The boss of the company :D

How much would you make?: 50 thousand a month ? :D Sing dollar xP But if I have to be realistic, 10 thousand :D

Clothes/Accessories/Etc etc

What kind of "style" do you have?: casual, girly I think.

Do you have lots of clothes?: According to my mum, Yes. But according to me, NO D:

Why/why not?: I love clothes so I want more.

Do you buy your own clothes, or does someone else?: My mum and I buy my clothes. She's good at choosing :D

Why aren't you buying your own clothes?: Sometimes I have school and can't go out D:

Out of what you own, what's your favourite outfit?: Almost all :D


Do you own a car? In the future, I want one :D

If not, how do you get around?: Mrt, Bus, Walking, Taxi.

What would be your "ultimate car"?: Volkswagen? xD Or mercdes. But the car must be 4 sitter, and also those kind which you can open the top. -.- I forgot how to say it.

What kind of stereo system would you have on it?: Good one, play loud music xD

What kind of paint job would it have?: Red or black :D Must be shined.


What is your favourite kind of food?: Italian, Singapore,Filipino, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, American etc~! :D

Favourite drink?: Soya Bean Milk xD

Favourite dessert?: Pudding, halo halo, tao suan, ice cream, cake.

Winning the lottery

If you won the lottery, how much would you wish you'd won?: A million.

Would you save it or spend it?: Both :D

Would you quit working or keep working?: Work xD

If you spent it, what would you spend it on?: Island, friends, businesses, houses, cars, charity...


What do you live in now?: Duplex.

Do you like it there?: Yup :D

Dream House

How many floors would it have?: 4 and basement and attic :D

How many bedrooms?: at least 6.

Hardwood or carpet?: Since it'll be in s'pore, hard wood :D But I like carpet for living room

Porch or no?: :D!! YES.

Big backyard or small?: Big of course.

Big front yard or small?: Big la :D

Fenced in?: yup.

What accessories would you have? swimming pool, gym, basketball court, badminton court, trampoline.

How many bathrooms?: 8?

Big living room?: I love big living rooms :D

Separate dining room, or attached to kitchen?: SEPARATE.

Big windows or small?: Big :D

Bright paint or dark?: Bright :D I don't like dark D:

Piercings and Tattoos

Do you have any piercings?: Yup :D thinking whether I should get another one.

If so, how many?: one on each ear.

Where?: ears.

How many would you like to have?: 4?

Where?: Ears

How many tattoos do you have?: None~

What are they?: If I have one, I would want a flower.

How many would you like to have?: one.

Where?: my back or hips.

What would they look like?: flower :D rose.

What would be your favourite tattoo if you could afford to get it?: A heart.


Do you have cable or satellite?: Yup but it sucks.

Do you watch more TV or movies?: Movies.

What's your favourite TV CHANNEL?: hbo I guess.

What's your favourite SHOW?: Alot :D

Why is it your fav?: Cause its funny and has romance.

What's your favourite MOVIE?: Can't remember but maybe...some s'pore movies and those teen movies. Another Cinderella Story is bad.


Favourite mythical animal?: Dont know.

Why?: can't think of any.

Believe in elves, vampires, werewolves, etc?: Nope.

What would you be? I would rather be none of them.

Would you rather live in a medieval time or a futuristic time?: Futuristic. I think food and technology will be much better.

Wings or no?: None, it'll look weird.

X-Ray vision?: haha xD None no thanks xP

If you were president....

What would be the first law you passed?: Don't know.

Who would be your VP?: Don't know. I'm getting bored...

What would your bodyguards code name you?: A.

Would you be a power hungry ruler or the president we really need?: President we really need :D

Restaurants/Fast Food

Do you prefer sit down restaurants or fast food?: Both :D

Favourite fast food restaurant?: Burger King !!! :D

Favourite sit down restaurant?: Crystal Jade, The Fern Tree, Xin Wang, That Italian restaurant, Boon Tong Kee, Fish and Co. :DDDD

Favourite fast food meal?: Burger and fries! :D

Favourite sit down meal?: Lasagnne, Fish and Chips, Hk food :D actually there's more. :D

The end.
I'm bored.
Math is killing me D:
wa lao eh. ><

aileen :D

ends at Saturday, February 07, 2009

Quiz :D

I got a quiz from Shirley (:

1. Have you ever gotten a D or lower? Nope, thank goodness (:

2. Have you ever gotten detention? No :D

3. Or worse, suspended? Expelled? haha Nope.

4. When will you graduate? From sec school, 2011 :D

5. Have you ever gotten a 100% on a quiz or a test? Yeah, last time -.-

6. What do you like better, reading or math? Reading :D

7. Gym or Music? Gym though I suck at it.

8. Art or Health? Health xD

9. Who do you sit by at lunch? Kimberly, Clarissa, Young Eun, Melody :D

10. What do you usually bring/get at lunch? Whatever they have and sometimes PEANUT BUTTER BREAD :D!!

11. Is your lunch room, big, small, or medium sized? Big?

12. Have you ever sat really close to a guy and never ate any of your food, just staring at him? No lol I'll never do that. Weird~

13. Has your bra ever become unattached during school naturally or by someone? ...

14. Have you ever kissed someone in school?

15. How many late assignments do you have? Either one or none

16. How many times were you late? A few, blame the traffic.

17. Do you go into the school’s bathroom? Yes.

18. During gym, do you sweat a lot? No, I hardly do anything -.-

19. Do you like the gym uniforms they have? okok.

20. Do you even pay attention in school? Most of the time xD But sometimes I just day dream :X

1. Who was your first boyfriend? You guys know.

2. How old were you when you got your first boyfriend? 13+

3. Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Yeah...

4. Do you have a current crush? If that's counted as a crush, then yes.

5. What is your status? single.

6. What song do you think relates to your love life the most? I Need You.

7. Is the person you like now taken? No...

8. If you closed your eyes and pictured him, what would he look like? Smiling or laughing...^^

9. Do you flirt? Don't think so. It comes naturally? :X

10. How many guys do you think you talk to in a day? A few.

11. Do you only hug your boyfriend or other guys? Other guys no. Boyfriend no.

12. How many guys’ numbers do you have? Should be more than 10.

13. So far, how many guys have called you hot, cute, sexy, or pretty? Maybe 2 =.=

14. What would your last initial be if you married the guy you like? Second last letter of the alphabet.

15. Have you ever cried over a guy? Yeah...

16. What happens if your ex shows up at your house and begs you to go back out with him? I'll ask him about the parents problem and solve things from there.

17. What happens if an extremely hot dude asked you out but you didn’t like him and liked someone else? Rejection.

18. Fat or skinny? Skinny. But not bones or twigs kinda skinny :X

19. Blond or brown? Brown, but black hair is better.

20. Tall or short? Taller than me.

1. Who do you count on to tell all your secrets to? All my close friends (:

2. Do you hug your friends? yup xD

3. What nicknames does your friends call you? Alien =P

4. Who is your number 1? noone :D

ends at Saturday, February 07, 2009

I'm quite sleepy now...But I dislike the time where I have to fall asleep. I feel so lonely T.T And my mind start to wander...Then I think of things I don't wanna think about. Sometimes its just hard to forget. Oh nvm, I don't wanna stop thinking about it now.

Woke up at 11.30. Then ate lunch, watched friends :D Started looking for my old science notes which I spent a super long time doing it for last year's exam!!! >< I'll never forget the effort I put into it. I started worrying cause I couldn't find it!! I started clearing the shelve. I found it :D It was in one of the files -.- Refreshed my memory with science particles notes. Did tuition hw. Math algebra problem solving questions are KILLING ME! How do you even do that?! -.- I'm getting very stressed.

At somewhere near ba bai ban...
Bought dvds! :D Cyborg She, Bedtime Stories, Saw 5, Disaster Movie. Went to ba bai ban, and went to xin wang :D Long time no eat xP Waited so long -.- Thank goodness food came fast or else I'll kill the restaurant. I ate four different meat dishes today. :DDDD I love eating meat =P I'll never be a vegetarian xD Or else I'll just die -.- Ate mango pudding!!! :D They gave us a saucer of evaporated milk which tasted very good. I poured it all on my pudding. Including some from my sis's :D I asked my mum whether it was fattening, she said yes. D=!!! Oh my gosh! D: I stopped.

Sleepy -.- But most probably gonna read before I sleep...One more day till school starts!!! :D


Hope you come leh...

Oh wait, I have NO RIGHT to ask you to do that.

Just Great...


ends at Saturday, February 07, 2009

Friday 6 February 2009Y
The Girl with No Right.

Glad to be back in school I guess...
Though these few days, 我的心情不太好。。。
Only feel good when I'm around my friends (:
我知道我并没有资格去想你, but I just can't control it.
I feel that I'm carrying something heavy...
I just wanna know whether you still like me even one teeny tiny bit.
Argh! I shouldn't even be doing that.
But even if he doesn't, he's not to blame.
Only myself.
For being so foolish.
But if I ever know that he still likes me...I'll believe in magic.
I miss you even though I know that I shouldn't be.

Yesterday, we had sculpture class.
In the ex-pottery cca room.
It sure did bring back fun memories from last year.
The memories which are worth both remembering of as a friend and more than that.
I can remember how much fun I had on those few lessons.
But during sculpture class, I was trying to block it.
It hurts to remember that YOU made those memories.
Cause now...I'm scared that we won't have any memories like those.
You behave like everything is fine.
I don't know whether you're just acting or you really do find it fine.
So I just behave like everything's okay too; no crying, no missing of people, no hurt.
I was somewhat successful in blocking the memories.
Until the teacher mentioned about the pottery thing which you had to use your leg to control the speed of it...
That definitely reminded me of fun and nice memories which hurts...

The One who has No Right...

ends at Friday, February 06, 2009

Wednesday 4 February 2009Y

Oh No.
Back to Schoooooool!!! D:
Dunno whether its a good thing or not :X
haiyo, don't care about the bad thing xD
Focus on the good! ><
Tonight definitely sleep late.
Then tomorrow cannot wake up :X
Read book last night till 2+
Woke up 11+.

Ate, watched tv, watched boys before flowers! :D
The main guy is hot xD
Really :D
He looks better with straight hair though x)
Anyway xD
Its one of the best I ever watched :D

Drama still loading.
Talking to ppl x)

I can't wait for school tomorrow (:
Though I'll just avoid... ><
Coward me!!!!

aileen (:

ends at Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Tuesday 3 February 2009Y

I'm so tired T.T
Came back around 8.04
Too bad I live so far -.- Or else could have stayed for the fireworks with them ):
Had lots of fun today :D
Young Eun and I got there first.
We climbed all the way to the third floor.
Reached a dead end -.-
She told me all about Michael Phelps her Idol taking marijuana.
And also boys before flowers xD
She found a guitar for lil' kids (:
I like the Barbie Dolls, soft toys and baby stuff x)
I used to love barbie alot xP
Now; D:!
Met Kim and Co :D
Finally xP
went to toys r us again.
walk walk walk...
Arcade :D
yay, me like bumper cars =P
So fun xDD
Next time, I'm definitely learning how to drive a car (:
But I got stuck a few times and my arm got tired -.-
They went to the roof.
Young Eun and I just stayed there (:
I wouldn't wanna risk falling down ><
Went back to arcade for more bumper car.
Paired with YE and she drove.
I can tell that she'll be an excellent driver next time xD
Bought caramel drink and oreo waffle thing at dairy queen.
It was fattening but who cares? xDDD
I love it :D
Warren can't see.
Left for skating ring.
Damn ex. D:
We went to Ktv (:
this one is cheap :D
YE and I drank water and cheers with Kim's drink.
Kim's drink tasted good (x
Not so gross like beer or wine.
But poor Kim.
Her face was completely red from drinking that T.T
Sing sang sung xD
I suck at it D:
Westlife Rocks~! :D
Took taxi to Gubei.
So hungry ><
Went to Secret Recipe.
Everyone squeezed into the cushion :X
I ate lassagne~ :D
Burnt my tongue ><
Not the tip of it is red! D:
But it tasted good.
I eat really fast :D

Took train home.
My feet hurt!
I could have reached home earlier.

Anyway, I had fun with everyone today (:
Though I spent alot of money D:


aileen (:

Going out with friends is a good way to get you off my mind.
But only just a tiny bit...

ends at Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Monday 2 February 2009Y
Shopping with Kim (:

Had lots of fun today ^-^
With Kim :D
We bought lots of earrings (:
Not sure how many pairs :X
Walked around the building buying things xD
Kim was broke lol.
She owes me alot now xD
Kimberly is attracted to pearls x)
We walked pass a shop selling those smt like belly dancing clothing :X
Then Kim's imagination started to unfold T.T
Pole dancing, guys, lap dancing, money<--- :D
Talked to Kim till I stepped into the puddle T.T gross D:
Sis called me stupid -.-
Then took the bus to the building near jade garden.
I love this building :D
I bought my poo notebook xP
Kim love the snow globes :D
nvm, we can come back here again (:
Walked to burger king.
Kim had to go home~
My mum sis and I bought burger king x)
Sundae, burger :D

ends at Monday, February 02, 2009

Sunday 1 February 2009Y
I Should Weigh 171 LBS!!!

I copied this from Shirley :D
Thanks! :D

Do u like:
[x] chips
[x] fast food
[x] soda
[x] candy
[x] popcorn
[ ] pretzels
[x] peanut butter
[ ] ranch
[x] chicken wings
[x] pizza
[x] burgers
[] hot dogs
[x] grilled cheese


[] broccoli
[x] carrots
[] cauliflower
[x] green beans
[x] beans
[] onions
[] tomatoes
[] pickles
[] cucumber
[] zucchini
[] celery
[] peppers
[x] peas
[x] potatoes
[] beets
[] brussel sprouts
[] spinach
[] lima beans
[x] lettuce
[x] corn

total: 17

[x] oranges
[x] strawberries
[x] apples
[x] bananas
[] pineapple
[x] pears
[x] peaches
[] grapes
[] plums
[] grapefruit
[] clementines
[] tangerines
[] raspberries
[] blueberries
[] limes
[x] lemons
[x] mangos
[x] cherries
[x] watermelon
[] cantalope
[x] honeydew

Total: 27

[x] ham
[x] chicken
[] lamb
[x] pork
[x] steak
[] turkey
[] fish
[] deer
[] bird
[x] salami
[x] pepperoni
[] alligator

Total: 33

[x] milk
[x] cheese
[x] yogurt
[x] ice cream
[] butter
[x] eggs

Total: 38

[x] brownies
[x] ice cream
[x] chocolate
[x] sherbert
[x] cake
[x] cup cakes
[x] cookies
[x] toffee
[x] caramel
[x] mousse
[x] whipped cream
[x] chocolate covered strawberries
[x] creme puffs
[ ] jello
[x] chocolate covered pretzels

Total: 52

[x] bread
[x] pasta
[x] cereal
[] bagels
[x] doughnuts
[x] crackers

Total: 57

Overall Total - 57

Now add up the number of x's and multiply by 3 to get the weight that you should be. Put the title as "I should weigh "" LBS".

ends at Sunday, February 01, 2009