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Saturday 28 March 2009Y

I'm about to write my 2nd last paragraph of my history essay, but I feel so bored and sleepy.
My progress is really slow :X
Well, I got lots of distractions xD
Eating snacks, websites,blogs :X

I ate....about 13 xiao long bao and a bowl of noodles for dinner (:
Gosh, I have to stop eating so much ><
Now I have mango :D!!!
I miss Philippines mango...

The essay sucks T.T
Shoot, there's gonna be a chinese zuo wen next tuesday T.T
sigh sigh sigh.
That sucks to the core.
Hopefully I'll do well...):

Oh ya, dad came back from Seattle/ Alaska today (:
I got my laptop :D
It looks so new and shiny~
But can't use yet cause my dad doesn't know the password to the wireless connection T.T
Oh right, I can use the wire thing -.-
okay nvm :D
On that comp, I'm gonna have my own user :D
No more administrator =D
Hate it when ppl look through my files ><
My mum totally did.
So scary you know.
Thank goodness I got rid of one folder or else I'm totally dead D:

my dad bought gummy vitamins :D
Supposedly for lil' kids xD
Oh and he bought books :D
It cost like 1 US dollar only :X!!
so cheap.
Chicken soup...
I like the garage sales in us (:
Everything there is so cheap x)

Wonder what happened at my uncle's house in singapore today...
My bro brought over his baby to show my aunties, uncles, cousins.
But gosh my bro can be so _______________ sometimes.

Aloysius is one month old already (:
So fast right?
I have smt in common with Aloysius.
Feb 26 is a very important day for both of us :D

must finish essay today.
biblio T.T
gosh this is killing me D:
exams are coming wth.
i hate it.
i wanna go out and play.
i wanna be with you forever.
and ever.
and ever.
and ever.
and ever.
and ever.............................................................................................................

you so crazy.

okay what is wrong with me D:

humpty dumpty :D

Wow, you haven't forgot what I promised you =D
I'm very impressed xD
You say nvm if I don't fulfill that promise :X
I saw I want to.
I have to at least do smt for you.
Sometimes I wonder whether I'm a good gf to you.
I think I'm just average? D:
oh man...
You're the best guy I ever met, I ever known.
You always make me laugh.
can't believe last year you joined that cca cause I inside.
haha you don't really know me think i'm a good person already? xD
nvm, glad you did xD

i love you.
you love me.
we are one big family.
with a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you.
won't you say you love me too.

1 2 3 4


haha xD

i'm crazy.
crazily in love with you.


ends at Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday 27 March 2009Y

I'm so sleepy.

All I can say is,
today rocked (:
Turned out better that I thought (:
Thank you for the present :D

I finished the hearts today ^-^ But didn't get to give cause couldn't find him :X

Fire drill was so retarded. They emailed us saying that if we don't behave well, we'll get punished. And they told us the time of the drill -.- There was even Plan A and Plan B for the teachers. I shouldn't get so worked up about this but I'm bored.

Thanks Kim, Anna, Regina for telling me some words of wisdom today (:
It does help..(:
Oh well, I got to be happy ^-^

Focus on the present...
For the rest of the time, promise me you'll be by my side?
I love you.

ends at Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday 26 March 2009Y

Happy 1 Month Anniversary! (:
He actually remembered xD
All this while, I thought he forgot...:X
Oh well, I'm happy he remembered (:
I love you lots (:
Paper Hearts :DDDD
I'll give him tomorrow (:
Suppose to give today but the PAPER WAS SO HARD!!! D:
It couldn't bend T.T
Skipped lunch to fold the hearts, it was worth it (:
Everything for him is worth it :D
i want to keep counting <3

ends at Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday 25 March 2009Y

I think I'm gonna cry. I hate it. Its happening and there's nothing I can do. You're not going back, I'm sure of that. How can things be so good? No such thing I tell you... I'm fucking sad right not. My eyes already have freaking tears. what the hell, I just have to control it. I don't want to be explaining to my mum again. Who's gonna help me? I don't want to hear ppl say that 'just cherish the time you have now and be glad that you are with him' GOSH, like wtf? I don't want anything to end. I don't ever want to leave you. You are my life and soul. You're my everything. Tomorrow is our first month... I was happy till I read smt... I remembered last jan, when it was our 2nd month, I was feeling the exact same way. Why does this have to freaking happen?! The thought of this is like a frigging stab in the heart. Knowing that many ppl believe that long distance relationships don't work suck too. fuck it all. After this, what the hell is gonna happen? Can you give me a hug right now? please...? Damn, my throat is hurting. Trying to hold back tears is really difficult. I don't want us to end like that. I don't ever want us to end. I love you...alot. I remember all the times I spend with you. How could I ever forget? Those times are the times where I'm at my happiest. I remember the first time I told you that I like you. I still remember the two words what you said after that. I still remember what you said when you were at the staircase. I remember when you gave me the first present you ever gave me. I remember those lunch times we spent together eating doritos and talking. I remember those times where you said love you. I remember that day before x mas break. I remember that time when you first held my hand and all those times you held my hand. I remember the time when you told me that you still like me. I remember everything you said. I remember that day at the second floor garden. I remember...everything about you, I remember. Always and forever. I love you.

ends at Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Birthday Presents (:

From: You Know Who (:
haha, Cute or what? x)
Starfish :D


=P Its so cuteeeeeeee :D

From: Anna :D aka EX-Owner xD

Hearts :D

From Teresita :D King Kong...

Its a cup noodles piggy bang :D
From: Melody =DDDDDD

From: Ainsley :DD

From Clarissa :D

Its a Bear (:

From Cheryl (((:

From Natalie x)))

From: Young Eun :DDD

From: Yan Ping xDD

Hey you guys,
Thank You for the presents and the wishes (:
I love you :D

It was a very happy Happy Birthday (:

Love you (:

ends at Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My new Skechers Bag (:

Photo Frame (:

Man Tou :D

New cap :D

Man Tou :D

Is this cool or what? :D

Bought these things on my birthday (:

ends at Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday 24 March 2009Y

My dad just got my sis and I a new laptop (:
So good right? =P
haha xD


Though have to share with my sis, but nvm la (:
Bad thing is I have to transfer all my msn message logs :X
Better save it on usb first before its all gone! D:
If that happens, I'm totally gonna die T.T

today was so sad.
I am in art club.
I shouldn't have chosen art club!!!! D:
Should have gone to floorball ):

But I kinda had fun at artclub :X
Brought back memories from last year lol
I put my clay in water :D
And it turned all soft xD


Shoot, still haven't prepared the present yet... ):
I'll wake up early in the morning :D

Love you lots (:

ends at Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday 23 March 2009Y

You know,
I eat ALOT.
You guys don't believe?

I ate 4 slices of pepperoni pizza today and a packet of bowl noodles :DDDDD

Don't say I eat little =P
That's all in one meal! xP

Why.............do you never fail to make me happy? (:
I mean seriously.
lol xD

I cry easily :X
Like earlier, I felt like crying (:
For a good thing.
Cause I can't believe that I, can be so lucky...
how do spell it? T.T

You're the BEST GIFT I've ever received.
Everyday, I thank God for being with you.

ends at Monday, March 23, 2009

Kim was mean to me D:
She kept saying that I kissed her ear, I licked her ear when that DID NOT happen at all !!!!!!!!!
And also, I'm so not a lesbian and a bi-sexual.
I'm completely a girl.
T^T People are gonna think I'm sick ! D:
Kim grabbed me while I was talking to her.
Grab me until my face was facing her ear D:

ok, don't feel like blogging. So bored.
math and chao xie waiting for me...T.T

Thank You Guys (:
For the presents you gave me :D
Love them lots =D

I'll post pics tomorrow, when I get to take a pic of all of them :D

Love you lots (:

ends at Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday 22 March 2009Y

Finally can use computer again.
Sis -.-
Finally finish Benjamin Button.
The movie was okay, though their accent was kinda hard to understand, the movie was slow, and the subs were wrong :x
Skipped some parts.
Watched Disaster Movie.
Totally retarded but funny lol

Back to school tomorrow (:
Yay! :D
So happy, I'm getting lazy already D:
Stupid excursion ><
Post pics tomorrow (:

Everyday with you is The Best Day of My Life (:

ends at Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday 21 March 2009Y

Went out today. Bought many things, will post pics tomorrow (: Tired now ): Bet you're sleeping already D: haha Early sleeper~ Did not get to talk to you today ): Hope my sis doesn't use the comp tomorrow ><>Tomorrow then I write more about my bday... Teresita's birthday is next week :D And Ji Won might be coming on one of the days next week :D I'm so happy (: It'll be so fun (: Can't wait till I can get back to school on monday. Excursion makes me miss classes :X! Weird. Those days in excursion had been utter torture for me... Lucky ppl who stayed in school! Read past message logs.. Remembered those times... made me laugh lol xD But as I got to january...I started feeling pain... Those bad memories came back. So I skipped all of it. I realised just 2 days before that happened, we were both happy then suddenly that happened :x Okay, nvm that's the past (: Its cause of that, I treasure you more than anything ever. Not that I didn't treasure you before, its just that it made me look at things more clearly. I realised that I could lose you. Hmmm... just can't believe how fortunate I am (: God bless me... ^-^
He is MY Superhero <3
Andddd, I love him more than anything else (:

ends at Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday 20 March 2009Y

Sooooo...I'm 14 now.
Woke up, family wished me Happy Birthday xD
Dad left for Seattle and some other place earlier in the morning.
Later gonna do hw and go to Jade Garden.
hoho, I'm gonna make my mum buy me things :D
Then I also want more clothes (:
Who says I have lots of clothes?
I need more for warm weather (:

1. Hoop Earrings
2. Beads Bracelet.
3. Skirts
4. Jeans.
5. Belts
6. Necklaces :D
7. Stufftoys :D

and much more (:

I'm like so happy right now you know (: Cos you remembered. You remembered my birthday. I think I underestimate you :x I just have the idea that guys don't remember dates well... Not sexist. Can you believe of relieved I was when he wished me lol. Never told him that I actually felt that way :X

And not only does he remember my birthday (: He can still remember everything which happened last time... (: haha I can remember that
day I said .... very clearly. And all those months onwards (: That day will always be in my head :D I really fell right? Never felt like this for anyone ever. I mean it. Its really interesting; how everything works. I treasure you more than anything I ever have. I lost you before. And at that time, it really hit me. You weren't mine anymore. There won't be anymore jokes, laughter, time spent together... Now that we're together again, you're the number one thing I treasure in my life. God gave us another chance (: Since I have that chance, I grabbed it and cherish it like I never cherished anything in my entire life. But who knows what's gonna happen next time? I dont really care. I only want to concentrate on the present and be happy with you (: I wonder how I'm gonna live if you're not here with me...

In my life, I never actually had a Superhero. But then you appeared (: You're my Superhero (: No way am I gonna share MY Superhero with anyone =P So back off people xD My Supehero has the power to make me happy :D Even the little things he does or says, I'll be happy immediately (: Its called a special ability (: Only he has it. hoho xD I never would have imagined that both of us would be how we're like now. But even as friends last time, I always had fun with you :D lol You were so nice to me! You will help me and be a really good friend to me (: Still remember that time in pottery that there weren't anymore of those machines then I asked you whether we could share and you said yes :D and then you had to help me with the speed thing lol and the clay just flew :X haha xD those times were so fun :D now things changed but we still have fun (:

Love you lots (:

ends at Friday, March 20, 2009

First post as a 14 YEAR OLD!
haha I'm trying to think positive and not think about those sad crap.
hmm...positive things about being 14?
I'll be able to drink in 4 years time :X
I don't really care about that -.-
Casino? :x
okay nvm I can't think of any lol xD

Melody was the first person to wish me Happy Birthday :DDDD
Thank you xDDD
Number 1!!!
Then Young Eun :DDDD
Number 2 :D!!
And number 3,
its Teresita xDDDD!!

haha the top three ppl :D

I'm 14 and 11 minutes old :X
lol xD
okay now 12 minutes.
okay now 17 mins lol
okay i'm so sleepy right now T.T

post again 2mr...

Love You lots (:

ends at Friday, March 20, 2009

This is gonna be my last post when I'm 13 years old.
So sad la.
I don't wanna be 14.
Not cause I'm getting older.
Cause it shows that time is passing.
And there's nothing I can do to stop it...
I just seem to be running away from reality.
I don't want time to pass.
What's gonna happen when I get back to S'pore?
What's gonna happen to the both of us..?
noone can tell me.
But I know I'm never gonna let go.
What about you?

oh okay I think I should shut up now.
Think about happy things :D
I remember all those times we had together (:
and YAY!!!
You remembered (:
though now you sleeping already lol
okay, one more minute D:
Melody is couting down with me (:
Thank you to those who wished me in advance :D

one more min!!

love ya :D

ends at Friday, March 20, 2009

Me verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry hungry right now.
But I can't eat.
Cause gonna eat alot later xD
My birthday dinner okay? :D

1. White sauce pasta
2. Leche Flan~
3. Graham cake
4. Kfc


hoho, so yummy (: I gonna eat like crazzzzy later :D
don't feel like talking about what went on today cause it just bores me out.
Oh wait but lunch was fun :D
Mr Toh came.
He still recognizes me lol xD
aww i so honoured.
okay I'm just talking crap xD
Kim piggy back me today.
She wanted to bring me to the gym so I kept hitting her shoulder...
Sorrry!! Next time I promise I won't hit you or else I give you 1 yuan xD
oh ya,
But I know that deep down inside, she still owns me :D
So I still feel happy :D
Funny thing happened, he banged into the wall lol =PPPP
haha kinda like me actually.
Both of us are pretty clumsy :DDDD

The sun is shining so brightly upon us today xD
Where's the sunglasses?
Where's the sun screen?

omgggggg, I really am hungry T.T
Okay Aileen, just about 50 more minutes.
wa lao!!!!!!
its quite long actually.
one whole period.
oh well its called self control.

After school was very fun :D
After many many many months, I played at the school's playground!! :DDDDDD
Shows that the weather is getting warm right? :D
Tomorrow will be the start of SPRINGGGG~! :D
so happy :D
uh huh, first time you saw me there xD
Thank goodness I was playing there :D

Clarissa, how could you????!! xP
Poor poor Young Eun xD
haha don't know why, I was high after school xD

and of course I LOVE YOU TOO :DDD

Will you remember...? ):

Its true and I'm happy to be one of those people (:

I love you !!!! (:

4EVER (:

ends at Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday 19 March 2009Y

lol, I just have the urge to laugh right now xD I was replying to YoungEun's tag then I suddenly thought of what YE said about YanPing's needs =DDDDDD oh my gosh, it was damn funny xDD lol i have the image of Yan Ping telling YoungEun to stop saying that she is needy xD hoho :D Poor Yan Ping :X Hottie jie xD

oh wow, my mood is really good right now :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Serious xD
Earlier I was entertaining myself by watching Singlish vids xD
And I came across the one Melody was telling clarissa and I about.
The one where there was the song You're Beautiful :D
then went to that talkingcock.com
learnt some singlish words...
My hokkien sucks T.T
I only understand some words.
I hope I will be able to speak hokkien once I get back to s'pore...

night night~ (:

it has been threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeks :D
I love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha crazy xD
<333 you too (:

ends at Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Missed You So Much <3


Haha, yup I'm really happy (:

That freaking trip was a waste of time.
MY time.
First day was the most terrible... I was so scared of how I was gonna survive the four days. Nearly cried ):
Anyway, I'm back (:
Anddd, I get to see him again :D
haha felt happy immediately (:
He really is MY SUPERHERO ^~^
I really had the urge to just ...
okay nvm :X
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm crazy =P
Thank you for saying its not old fashioned (:
This time,
I really fell.

ends at Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday 15 March 2009Y

me so bored.
me didn't talk to you for whole weekend.
me miss you alot.
Oh freak!!! Its freaking tomorrow people. Noooo!!!!!!!!!! Last year, I was waiting so much for this day to come. Its coming. And I don't really wanna go. I don't want to go. Everday, I'll just be wishing for thursday to come. haha I think I'll be really happy when thursday comes xDDDDDD I'll do a countdown for thursday :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD four more days!!! I'm crazy -.- I better reach school early tomorrow. Or else I'll totally be angry at the traffic. like there's anything I can actually do -.- Please God, let the traffic be good tomorrow! Let me arrive super duper ultra mega early tomorrow ><>
Tomorrow, got to wake up really early. 5.40 I think.
Have to bathe.
Oh wait, I have to wake up earlier.
Maybe 4+?
When noone in my family is awake.
Wrap up something~~
This excursion better be fun ><
Or else waste money, waste my precious time that could have been used doing something more fun -.-

I miss you already T^T


ends at Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday 14 March 2009Y

Totally cute right ? :DDDDDDDDDD


Had lots of fun at Kim's place yesterday :D
I received THREE PRESENTS already :DDDDD!!!

Thank you Clarissa for the DOG/BEAR (its a bear xD) stuff toy :D

Thank you Young Eun for the cuddly bear :D So cute (:

Thank you Yan Ping for the CJ7 pouch :D its really cute too, I like the head :D

Lots of HUGS & MUACK :D

All of us hung out at her attic first (: I like her dog stuff toy ><
Talked about you know who and you know who xDDDD
Kim was explaining :X
and then there was the talk about han guo jiao( 韩国脚) :X lol xD
crazy la xD
YP, Kim and I watched Saw 4.
Gross but very interesting way of killing ppl...
The hair pull part was the grossest T.T
Ate 4 pieces of pizza :D
Oh nvm -.-
Then all of us watched Good Luck Chuck.
A very good movie.
Highly recommended xD
The PLOT is very interesting.
If you see what's inbetween then its gonna be mature (kim's word :x)
After sleeping with that guy, the next guy you're with, you'll marry him...
He finally found his true love (:
So sweet :D
Kim's hamster is really mean ><
But still, you don't eat your husband!
So gross.
Imagine all the bones and the head and the feet all inside her body.
Murderer T.T
All the blood too.
I wonder what was it like for her. Eating her own husband.
Must be suffering from some kinda mental illness.
Sorry Kim, but you're hamster is really scary.
Though it looks really cute...










Do you know how happy I am?!
Kim ran down the stairs xD Screaming her name and then grabbing her :D
I hugged megan!!!!!!!!!!
I have not seen her since last day of school last year T.T
She's still Megan :D
She was singing Best to Both Worlds :D
And she was laughing crazily xD
It was really fun (:
I miss you already T.T
Megan D:
I wanna hear you sing.
AND till now, I don't have spaceship for dear Megan to ride on ):
suo yi, wo yao zhuan hen duo qian :D
hehe, she was telling me about her breaking 10 hamster bottles xD
Then she had to pay D:
She wanted to give the hamster pocari xD
Megan can perform magic :D
haha it was so good to see Megan again (:
Kim sent me home.
In the end, all of them came :D
So happy (:
And then had to say goodbye ):
Can't wait to see Megan again :DDDDDDDD!!!

Excursion tomorrow T.T
I'm gonna miss you so much T.T
Packing now -.-
i love you :D

ends at Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday 13 March 2009Y
Endless Love

Endless Love
Sung by Katie Price and Peter smt...

My love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right

My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make

And I
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Oh yes
You will always be
My endless love

Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
And forever
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms

And love
I'd play the fool
For you
I'm sure
You know I don't mind
'Cause baby
You mean the world to me
I know I've found in you
My endless love

And love
I'd play the fool
For you
I'm sure
That you know I don't mind
'Cause baby
You'll be the only one
'Cause no one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love My love, my love
My endless love
I really love this song.
I can actually relate to it;;
It has all I want to say in it... (:
The day I get married, this shall be my themesong :D
haha, wo xiang tai duo le...-.-
The lyrics is really really reaaaaaaaally sweet (:

ends at Friday, March 13, 2009

I found this funny :D
Got it from the group in facebook Regina joined xD

1) You speak or randomly break out in Singlish
2) You crave chicken rice or the various uberlicious hawker foods
3) Tying a soccer game with Malaysia actually means something significant
4) You’re a guy and have no choice about National Service
5) You start daydreaming about $2 Nasi Lemaks
6) Orchard Road is a byword for fun
7) You pronounce and spell stuff the Brit way
8) You pick up the trash after missing the rubbish bin
9) You say rubbish bin and not trash can
10) You end ALMOST every sentence with a 'lah'/'lor'/'hor' and everything looks much better with 'x's and 'z's (right horxxzzz?)
11) You understand all the references in www.talkingcock.com (and find the site funny)
12) You're intimidated by the thought of a 45 minutes to drive to the nearest mall.
13) You're shocked that your ez-link doesn’t work at Mcdonald's around the world
14) People ask you what you speak at home and you say 'uhh...'
15) You are able to communicate in plethora of languages & dialects
16) Swearing in numerous languages & dialects is natural
17) You know that Newton Circus serves up shit food, but still go there anyway
18) You “chope” seats at food courts/hawker centers with little tissue packets
19) You've sung the national anthem since you were in primary 1 and still have no idea what it really means
20) There's always a traffic jam near a vehicle accident 'cause everyone slows down to copy numbers for 4D
21) You start using abbreviations for everything, such as ERP, PIE, MRT, SBS, SMS, CTE, IPPT, NCC, SOC(army word)...... and many more.
22) You look at someone (when you’re overseas) and a 6th sense tells you that they’re from Singapore too
23) Someone asks for the time and your innate response is: “IT’S TIGER TIME!!!” *rawr*
24) Every Christmas, Orchard Road looks more like and more like Deepavali (The Festival of Lights).

ends at Friday, March 13, 2009

Lunch was damn funny xD
LOL, wa lao everyone was holding hands!!! xD

Ian is a stalker.
Despite today's gloomy wet weather, I was still really happy (:
Though I found out the chocolate melted T.T
But when I got to the bus, it wasn't even melted -.-
Smt wrong with me T.T
Wow, when you walk to the end of the corridors, you can see many couples :X
Its funny in a way (:
Aww man, monday is coming...
I'm gonna miss you so bad ):
Without you, my hand is gonna be even more cold ):
Oh gosh, those four days T^T
Can't wait till I get back...
Kim's birthday is coming (:
I love you xD

ends at Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday 12 March 2009Y

I'm never gonna burn it :D

It has been Two Weeks... (:


Me very happy :D

This morning, I began thinking about all those questions you asked me...Sigh...What's gonna happen? God, what's gonna happen? I don't ever want it to end. I don't want distance to make it a factor. I believe that if two people really love each other, nothing can ever stop them. I can't imagine the day that I'll not be seeing you ... You're worried? You are right? Don't be like that... You're worried, I'm worried. You're sad, I'm sad. You're sick, I'm sick.



Let me tell you, its gonna be the longest FOUR DAYS OF MY LIFE. I'm not exaggerating. I can't imagine those four days!!!!!!! ):

I'm gonna miss you T^T.

Everytime I think about it, my stomach seems to flip. And its the good kind (: Not those kind from those roller coasters ><

Thank You God (:

And I also pray that the people around me will always be happy (:

Love You (:

ends at Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday 11 March 2009Y

Anddddddd....My Dream came true.

People, it came true!!! :DDD
'Unexpected things always happen.'
I love that phrase :D
But seriously, my dream actually came true :X
Totally unexpected.
When I woke up, I was saying 'oh gosh, it was just a freaking dream which will never come true.'
But it did.
And to think I actually sweared cause I thought that would never happen.
Okay nvm.
IT HAPPENED (: (: (:

You're stuck in my heart already.

I love you (:

ends at Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday 10 March 2009Y

You know, you're stuck in there already.

Tomrrow's the history test...
Hopefully I'll do well :D
And I'm gonna pray really hard that both of us have nothing on tomorrow !
Gosh, the freaking excursion is next MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you're not going ):
Poor laptop, I'm venting my frustration on it...
I don't even feel like going already.
You're not, and there's so much hw.
wo ai ni :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe, ya I know I'm happy lol =P

ends at Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sunday 8 March 2009Y

Went out today with Ji won :D!!!
And Clarissa, Teresita, Natalie, Sarah, Jessica and Lynn (:
Went ice skating, it was ok ok.
I kinda managed to skate a little :D haha so happy (x
Teresita kept cursing ppl to fall -.-
Yeah AND I DID. so mean ><
My butt hurt T^T... and teresita just laughed -.-
Natalie left D:
Ate fries from Clarissa at Mac xD
Dairy Queen had a super long queue.
I'm never ordering Georgia Mudfudge again.
My aim was to bang into teresita =P
The bumper car just rocked :D
Went to hao le di to buy water.
Joined JiWon at dairy queen; couldn't find her when she was standing infront of me :X
Sat outside, took pics with Clare.
The pics taken by me were too near or to much to the side :X
Clarissa and I walked around Sephora :DDDD
I love that place, and all the perfume and nail polish xD
But damn ex.
I'm currently looking for perfume to buy (:
Went to ONLY.
The clothes rock ! :D I love it so much ><
But it was so expensive...
UniQlo was having sale T.T
walked to converse, I'm also currently looking for a nice and okay price design to buy :D
looked at accessories...
Paris Baguette to meet Teresita, Sarah and Lynn.
They were talking about Ah ma lol.
Taxi to Yan lord for dance prac.
I saw YE when I was reaching the compound xD
Stupid taxi drove more towards the front and the fare became 12 yuan!!!
wa lao -.-
Wish us all good luck for tomorrow (:
I'm sure everyone will do well, but maybe not me :X
I tend to forget things when I'm nervous T^T

Damn tired right now.
SCIENCE TEST TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope I'll do well ><
jia you jia you jia you~~~~~~~~!

ily x)

ends at Sunday, March 08, 2009

Saturday 7 March 2009Y

So True.
I can't tell you how happy I am that all these happened...

ends at Saturday, March 07, 2009

You know what?
I'm gonna learn how to make a paper heart :D
But vid load so slow -.- But I did learn how to fold a note :D Looks like an envelope (:
I think I'm gonna start learning origami now :D!
At least I have smt to do in my spare time...
I wonder what happened to the box of origami paper I have...
I think its in one the cabinet in S'pore :X Oh well...
Hope it didn't change color ><>

ends at Saturday, March 07, 2009

Friday 6 March 2009Y

I seriously need a change of skin :X lol, the feeling came again :D Tired of the skin now -.- So now searching for one...to no avail. YET.

Excursion Briefing.
My group... T^T!!!
It rocks that Melody and Clarissa are in there, but the others.. :X I don't have anything against them, but haiyo! Not even close to them T.T Oh well, I can't get my money back already ): Excursion also so much hw. Next week is really a crazy week. 3 tests, 1 sci investigation. Can die -.- The excursion better be worth the money. Or else I'll totally kill the school.

Lunch, I auto turned into depressed mood. Starting thinking too much again -.- Nearly became angry I think :X but more of sad than hurt. Okay, you guys must think I'm talking crap here :X haha but anyway, so happy after that (: Turns out I was thinking too much. I can't afford to get mad at you one la. But got dance practice T.T Shorten the entire time ): Nvm, monday coming :D

Hey...I'm starting to get really worried... If he really is sabotaging you, he should really screw himself. What kinda person is that?! I don't want to see you like that T.T I also feel upset you know D: And worried. Don't want you to get into any trouble...Cause you don't deserve it -.- The person I know is THE BEST :D Just hope it ends quickly...): Stupid school. ><>

I love you (:

ends at Friday, March 06, 2009

Wednesday 4 March 2009Y

oh great, almost 10.30 -.-
Anyway, feel very sleepy already...
I can't wait till friday ! (:
Hopefully things will be better than I think it'll be :X
Dance practices everyday T.T
My coordination sucks.
and memory skills too.

oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!


You don't know,

I miss you alot.


But I did feel better after I talked to you :D

I pray to God that everything will be ok (:
Jia you for the tests (:

These few days...I've been feeling down.
Its the same feeling as how we started last time.
We don't hang out enough...
But I know that everything will be fine in the end (:
Just like last time.
It turned out that both of us thought the same way and did not ask the other :X
Oh well...
I'm just thinking too much I guess :x
I won't ever let you go.
You're the GREATEST GIFT I've ever gotten in my entire 13 years 348 Days life ^-^
Tomorrow, it'll be ONE WEEK (:
I want to continue counting, even if I have to count to the infinities,
and I only have one reason for that,
its cause
I love you...

God gave me this chance, and I will treasure it like I've never treasured anything before.
He gave me this chance, I took it without any hesitance.
And its all up to me on how I want to use it.
I'm never gonna let you go.


ends at Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Tuesday 3 March 2009Y

ily (:

ends at Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Don't know why today, I suddenly feel so emo during cca time. Till now T.T
Oh gosh...
I miss you ):

I can't control it.

Being in different classes suck man.

When friday comes, I pray that everything will be better.
I can see you more often (:

Just hope there's no detention T.T
OR some other interruption.
The excursion is coming so fast! ><
You're not going T.T
Gosh those four days D:
So next week and this friday...hope that God will bless us and everything will be ok (:

I think I'm a coward.
In front of the person I like.
So true la.
I don't want to write why :X

And my sis.
I hope that if she ever finds anything out, she'll not open her big mouth.
And you guys too...please don't ever tell anything to my sis or my parents T.T

Well, today sucked ):

ends at Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Sunday 1 March 2009Y

Aloysius (:
He is really cute isn't it? :D
haha But many of you would say all babies who are just born look the same :X
Nvm, he is still one of a kind to me ^-^
He is my laptop background and hp wallpaper :D
Thanks Aunty Nancy for taking pics :D
And also to Regina for uploading the pics to her comp, then to the email, and then sending it to me :DDD

ends at Sunday, March 01, 2009

Omg, Sunday is gonna end :D haha, Ya I'm happy (:
Today wasn't as bad as I thought, didn't get any scolding :D ! -.-
Sis and I went to superbrand mall, walked to cityshop (:
The wind was blowing hard T.T my legs were so tired ><
anyway, bought chocolate :D and one bar for my sis and I to share.
I'm such a nice sister right? :D
If I didn't buy anything for her, she'll just be complaining -.-
Thank goodness my parents were there, or else they would scold me :X
They still dont know I bought more than one bar of choco :X no way am I gonna tell them.

The mall was so hot ><

-toys r us
-book store
-sport city
-dinner with parents at saizeriya

ok that's all :D

Please don't get detention ):
Please don't let us have dance practice during lunch ><
Please let tomorrow be a good day (:



ends at Sunday, March 01, 2009