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Thursday 30 April 2009Y

So bored right now.
Tried doing hw but can't do cause I don't get it ><
And I can't be left alone doing nothing.
I start to think alot.
And I miss --.
Five days of torture.
Had a dream last night which was kinda good except the part where I got ignored :X
But if that happens in reality, I wouldn't get mad lol
anyway, the dream was so clear.
we were all eating lunch.
After that dream, I miss him even more.
thank goodness I have tigger :D
I feel so much better (:

I think you guys don't like me always writing about these kinda things right? :x
sorry ><
but I do have the right to express my feelings lol

hmm...... trying to finish IT now.
so many things to do -.-
math is killing me.
i cant do history till monday.

i want you to sing me a song! xD
church bells are ringing.
I'm serious!
12pm already.
i think its cause today is the first day of the month~
so fast.
Melody's birthday is coming (:
Happy Early Birthday Melody:D!!!
hehe :D
Melody loves birthdays xD
i can't wait till I'm 18.
but what's gonna happen at that time?

I'm not gonna be the first to let go.
I don't wanna let go ever.

Congratulations and Jubilations(Celebrations), I want to tell the whole world I am in love with you~~

ends at Thursday, April 30, 2009

My 2oo Post :D
haha I'm in s'pore now :D
quite okay here x)
but so humid :X

so far, I have eaten mee pok, kfc shroom burger, cheese fries from kfc and carrot cake =D
Jealous? =P
Anna can't tempt me =D

And I saw Aloysius :D
He's so cute (:
Only 2 months old, but he is already 5.8kg =O
So big lol
and he can move his arms and legs already.
and i like him xD
He doesn't cry like other babies :D
he likes to laugh and smile :D
he looks like my bro xD
he has a double chin xD
now my mum wants him to sleep -.-
so mean D:
i wanna play with him ><
and i carried him just now (:
he didn't struggle xD
lol pro xD

I finally went shopping after quite a while :D
bought 2 blouse, 1 pair of shoes :D
and an octopus :D
haha but not for me lol

my whole family is very facinated by aloysius xD
my dad just stopped him from sleeping =D
yay :D
he just yawned :D!
lol xD
i love him xD
oh and when i carried him, he kept staring at me (:
when i move, he follows xD
i think he likes my specs xD


haha so much food and shopping (:

oh and Aloysius has a really nice chinese name :D
林烁 :D
hehe sounds really nice ^^

ahh, anyway, though having fun here, i really miss you guys ><

and him ):

later going to uncle's house :D
regina and ruben!! ^-^
miss you guys ><

cannot wait till tuesday comes (:

ends at Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday 28 April 2009Y

Its IT now -.-
Stupid report and flash video.
so dead.

Returning back to Singapore tonight (:
haha quite excited and sad at the same time ><
though just a few days, still gonna miss you guys.
wish i didn't have to miss school
cause its just taking up my time with you guys and of course him.
hope I don't cry on the plane :X
But you know, miracles happened :D
I didn't cry for a few days already! :D
Maybe even a week (:
what a success ^-^
Must keep this up.
Aileen~~ JIA YOU =D

I have paint on my fingers :D
lol xD
Sprayed paint just now (:
I have red on my fingers :D
so glad I could help (:
very fun :D
the hearts look so pretty (:
Yellow and Red Hearts look good :D

ends at Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday 27 April 2009Y

hehe, though today was Monday, it was still good and fun :D

Science- boring T.T Variable Resistor... Had to copy down so much notes, Ms Yee was just talking away :X I doubt that any of us really listened. Its monday morning D: YE told me about Einstien's love life =O and the girl was pretty (:

Assembly- it was okay. Had a really interesting ppt about a guy called Nick. We should all be like him!! He doesn't even have limbs yet he can be so happy, some of us here are still comlaining about the live we have :X

PE- I failed. Don't care la xD The Field stinked alot T.T TOO MUCH FERTILISER. Its already fertile! ><>

Chinese- Yang lao shi made funny sounds xD It was okay :D

Lunch- Kim and I stayed in class and ate bowl noodles :D Simran is crazy about condoms :X Karmum took a pic of my sis in the cubicle xDDD But I can just see her everyday :X Later, YE MEL CLARE came up (: told me smt which made me feel really worried..): had to look for him immediately or else I would just die ><

Please don't feel down cause you forgot the present ):
I don't wanna see you upset!!! ):
You're upset, I'm upset.
I'll get so worried you know ><
i won't get angry just cos of that -.-
I don't even get angry at you lol

YE and Kim were making craazy videos xDDD
Siao ppl =D
Belly dancing, shimmy etc :X
My friends are crazy (:

Math- was okay :D Did questions xD haha got my mind working :D so glad xD mdm liong :X lol

Drama- performance was okay, next week performing again.

English- finally finished the reads. Mr ross is as crazy as ever lol Mount Fuji :X

End of school :D

Just hope that was the only reason...

ends at Monday, April 27, 2009

Saturday 25 April 2009Y
Twoooooooooooooooooooooo Months :D

Its two months already :D
so happy xD
haha xD
Yeah, I chose this moment to blog.
It is now...
12.27 am =D
lol =P
But if wanna make more accurate,
wait for
5.13pm :D

I'm going shopping later in the day (:
Please let Kimberly come...):
Or else I can't go alone...
I need company!

at least I'll have a good sleep tonight (this morning).
I cannot be emo.
Hope I have good dreams ^-^
So sleepy...
But my mind is just filled that its 2 months :D

I love you forever and ever (:

Its 26 of April~~~


ends at Saturday, April 25, 2009

My dinner yesterday (:
Sad rainy day D:

My sis and I destroyed the brush :D
It was already gonna spoil anyway.

Melody's Jack :D

Kim drinking moutain dew..:X

flower =D

flea market place.
looks really pretty (:

haha a random dog at cheng huang miao with really small eyes xD

coke :D

viewed from audi.

the dog and the cat were very friendly towards each other :X
they were standing next to each other at first xD
but the cat walked away :X

Young Eun xD
haha she came up with the idea of the pic like that x)

alison laughing while using comp.
not even doing hw !! D:

Yan Ping's hand xD

these were the pics i was suppose to upload some time ago :D

ends at Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday 24 April 2009Y

haha, don't know why I'm posting this =P
Was looking through photobucket and came across these cool Lego pics :D
lol, I used to play lego when I was a lil' kid (:
Those wonderful memories =D
I'm bored D:
Parents wanna go out later -.-
I don't even feel like going...
Rather just slack here.
Or at least go to superbrand mall.
Going to buy presents tomorrow (;
Hehe, feel so excited now :D
So sad its a sunday :X
nvm :D
2mr I will be very broke, but nvm la (x
who cares..xD
i have to stop being like that.
Must listen to him.
don't think so much.
must be happy.
nothing bad is gonna happen now.
so just enjoy.
i have to talk!
speak up!
i need to jia you!!!
and he'll always be there by my side (:
i love you :D

ends at Friday, April 24, 2009

My friends rock (:

I love you guys :D

I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you guys with me (:

You all must forever and ever be happy =D

ends at Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm gonna blog about yesterday and today.
But I'm lazy.

Annabelle.kept.telling.me.about.LASKA D:
You guys should have heard how she described it...
My stomach started being really hungry T.T
I licked my lips :X
The tofu, the noodles, the sauce, the meat...
All soaked in that tasty spicy sauce.. :D
I'm gonna get back at her by taking a picture of it when I get back to s'pore =P
Oh and Anna told me about the golden brown fish and chips T.T
I'm hungry D:

went with clarissa ian to look for him...
then we had to wait for ian to eat his lunch.
he eats alot T.T
haha but anyway, he's a guy xD
watched him eat and i felt like eating..T.T
went back to class and saw YE..
she said we left her :x
sorry D:

yesterday was boring T.T

ends at Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday 23 April 2009Y

History class now (:
Looking for a background...
So hard ><
18 more mins till PC...
I think today will not be very good.
Oh well...
Look at the weather outside.
Its raining...
So sad.
And then lunch will be drama rehearsal.
Nvm, we want to do well ><

This Sunday already... (:
Wonder whether he remembers or not :X
Why must it be a weekend? ):
I feel kinda mean.
I'm gonna go shopping for items only on sunday..:X
I couldn't go out last week ):

I have an urge to go washroom now xD
hehe, shouldn't be telling you guys.

Regina :D
I am thinking of you now. At 10.47am.
What are you doing?
Being horny? xD
Or paying attention in class? =P
Or thinking of some hot guy...? =D

Its scary how time passes you know.
We can't stop it.
So we can make use of it to do meaningful things.
And it'll always be cherished.
I can't even think of how it'll be like w/o --.
Well I do know how it will be like.
But, I don't even wanna experience it ever again...
I thought my life was over.

okay...I always end up thinking about sad things -.-

Listening to Thunder right now.
What a sad song...
But it just sounds so good.
My favourite song is... can't think of it now..
Still remember those scary days in the bus, I always listen to a korean song 'One'.
I only understand one part though.
'I can't let go..'
Yeah, that was what I wanted to tell him so badly.
But couldn't bring myself to ...


I got him now (:

ends at Thursday, April 23, 2009

There has not been anyone till YOU, that is so understanding towards me... (:

hai...even though I'm always like this; a total mute and failure towards you, you still don't mind :X


Makes me wanna cry you know ><

You're crazy..? :X

haha, smart lol xD

I only know how to say sorry, yet you say nvm and that you're the hyper one, the talkative one.

that's one point we're very different on.

All I can say is,

I love you :D

Thank you for being so understanding.

Thank you for being there for me.

Thank you for asking me whether I'm okay when I look upset.

Thank you for existing.

Thank you for being so patient with me.

Thank you for still being there even though I behave like this.

Thank you for always being so cheerful and talkative and funny (:

Thank you for always making me happy ^-^

Thank you for being you :D

kuai yao dao liang ge yue =D


I was reading through one of the book review I did for my chinese class during those really dark and scary days... It sure did bring back lots of painful memories...Those days without you was just hell on earth. Can't even explain it. I spent every lunch time being a total emo outside or inside the class, just wanting to see you but once I do, I just look away pretending I didn't see you. Anyway back to the review... I was looking for a passage about love. And I found one, about 错过的爱情。I really like that article cause it was about the things people regret after the person they loves leaves them. I could relate to it really well. When I read that, I started to think about the things I didn't get a chance to do when I was with him. At that time, a bu never occured to me. I just kept thinking that we would be together and nothing was gonna happen. Guess I was wrong. That day came, and I thought of all the things we haven't done together. I started to think, if one day, we ever get back together, I would believe in magic, cause things like that is just too unbelievable. Also, I would never let him go. EVER. In the end, you guys all know what happened. He is the best gift I've ever received in my entire life. Really. Nothing can beat him. You only REALLY know how much someone means to you after you get a taste of losing them. ha. I sure did learn alot from that. He's my life. I wonder what I'm ever gonna do without him.. (:

okay, its late :X

night night (:

ends at Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday 21 April 2009Y

I'm very very very hungry.
Feel so empty right now.
I need food :D
Just now, I tortured myself by looking at singapore food.
Its fun in a way.
I miss singapore's food.
11 more minutes to lunch :D
Hope there's good food ><
Next thursday, I'll get to see Regina&Ruben (:
I miss you two!! D:
oh, and Aloysius too (:
Four of us have to go out, and I need to BOWL.
I bet I'll suck, but who cares? (:

I'm tired of researching already.
Young Eun and I already worked hard :D
hehe, she's blogging too.
About '10 ways to Save the Earth'
YE, I'll TRY to do your list xD

I wanna read...
I wanna eat...
otah, nasi lemak, nasi goreng, hor fun, jollybean, lasagne, chicken rice, mee pok, roast pork rice, laska, duck rice, ba chor mee, roti prata, mee siam etc.

ends at Tuesday, April 21, 2009

lalala :D

Double Chinese- had test, hope I'll do okay ><>
Math- did exercises, okay too (: cause my mind was occupied with math and I wasn't thinking too much.
Art- passed up my ''Masterpiece'' xDD I have a random building in the middle of some buildings. Spent the lesson just drawing one thing.

Lunch food was good :D
haha it was quite fun (:
Wasn't emo like yesterday =D
haha Mondays suck D:
Except for that monday. =P

I found out that someone is gay =O
haha jk xD

English- went to lab and watch rooftops mv which was pretty okay (:

CCA- I finished it :D Hope it'll turn out good though (: And that no one will steal it D: Or else I'll MURDER!!
but now, how am I suppose to paint it... :X Paint on sunday? :X

Clarissa and I pretended not to see young eun :D
hehe xD
and we left her walking on her own (:
so nice of us :D
Young Eun, I know you love us alot :D

Let's pray that tomorrow will be a good day too :D
Must be happy!!! :D

S U N D A Y (:
My world is perfect because of you (:

ends at Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday 20 April 2009Y

I can wait.

ends at Monday, April 20, 2009

I don't know.
I don't know why I'm so upset today.
It sucks.
Everyday, EVERYDAY, I focus of the present.
But there's always this part of me which remembers what's gonna happen in just 2 Months.
I'm scared.
Not just scared.
I know its gonna hurt alot, but I'm willing to do it.
what about you...?
What if it ends up like the one last time?
At that time, I believed it so much that it'll work.
But it didn't.
Not that I'm not glad it didn't end,
it just gave me a reminder.
Some promises can't be kept.
But I still believe that if two people love each other alot, nothing can stop them.

I really love you alot...
I'm gonna hold on.
I just need you to assure me that you'll do
the same too...

ends at Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday 18 April 2009Y

I give up.
On looking for a skin that I'll love.
I kept searching for skins, but I didn't like any.
It was either too plain, too dark, too emo, full of random people, the font wasn't good, too many cartoons, too colorful, too wordy etc etc
I'm a very choosy person.

Anyway, I've been awake since 8am.
Woken up by the sun light and the urgent need for the washroom :X
I finished my zuo wen (:
I still have many things to complete.

1.Compare Contrast Essay (Mr Ross hasnt sent me the script -.-)
2. Make notes and start memorising for chinese test.
3. Tuition hw
4. Sign Report bk.
5. Cut out letters for Scuplture
6. Art 2 Point Perspective Drawing ...
7. Book Talk.

At least its not all due on monday...

Hey, you know, one more week only =D
hehe (:
Have to try to finish no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 today.
Gosh D:
Well, 4 is hardly hw :X
But it might be a mood ruiner.
I'm saving money right now (:
Well, I got to.
Next Saturday, I will need to buy lots of things.

ends at Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tag Replies (:

Nope, I'm not going back for good yet... (:
That's a good thing ^^
I'm kinda hungry now :X
I wanna eat lassagne...><

Oh I see :D Yay (:
Someone is happy I'm coming back xD
Why would you want Anna to go away? D:
She can hug you :D
LOL, thanks Regina for the Don't Worry BE HAPPY (:
I don't know where you can find green apples...
Till now, I've never gone :X
Four of us can go out again =D

ends at Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday 17 April 2009Y
Complain Complain Complain

I suddenly have the urge to complain about things.
First things first, TEACHERS.

1. Ms Por.
Gosh, she is such a freaking bitch. I wish she can just leave the school or get fired. She's always not happy with how everyone behaves. Always scolding students etc etc. Oh my gosh, will you just understand how students feel??! Every single day, you come to school and give us that stupid strict look. Even when you smile at us, it just looks like... argh! When I saw her picture in the school year book smiling to a student, straightaway, I knew that was a posed picture. So fake la. Look, she doesn't even smile to anyone. Unless its some really really good student -.- Don't wanna see your face.

2. Mr Max Tan
He doesn't teach me at all, but I already dislike him. I heard stories from my sis. She told me that last time in her class, everyone was talking, but he only chose to scold her and the girls. Excuse me, you're so freaking sexist!! Open your eyes man, there are guys who are fooling around too!!! And there are other stories about how sexist you are too. Wanting to give detention bla bla bla. Argh. I really hate people who are sexist.

3. Mr Ho.
He's still not so bad. But again, I heard from my sis that he gets angry very easily. -.- GO GET ANGER MANAGEMENT. Don't release your anger on students. Try to understand the situation before even jumping to conclusions. freak.

4. People who abuse their maids.
SCREW YOU GUYS. They're human too okay?! They don't deserve to be like that. Without them, how are your kids, your homes gonna be looked after? Huh? Tell me! Just cause you pay them, doesn't mean you can treat them like that. You're not greater than them at all. Money isn't power.

okay, I'm done for the day. I think...
Argh, don't wanna go out -.-
I have loads of hw this weekend T.T

ends at Friday, April 17, 2009

Last blog post was on tuesday.
I've not been getting enough sleep these days...
Argh, I really got to start sleeping at 10.30.
I don't sleep late as in 1am, I sleep at 11+ :X
I guess I'm really weak.
And now, I am sleepy.
One week passed again.
How retarded is this?
Time is passing so fast.
Its scaring me.
After Monday, I didn't actually cry already.
But sometimes when I'm doing something, that leaving thing will always be on my mind.
Then I would just start to breakdown.
But yeah, I do manage to not cry.
I'm not making sense.

Going back to s'pore on 29 apr night.
haha gonna see Aloysius and you guys there (:
I remember telling Kim about it.
She thought it was for good...
I'm sorry I freaked you out..
I don't wanna leave.
How can I just leave my life here like this?
My friends, and of course, Him.
I'm gonna miss you all like crazy.

oh freak, I'm gonna cry...

This week was really fun (:
Yeah, you guys, lol

Can you please stop hitting him? T.T
Everyday hit... D:
I never hit your P. Star ><
Think about me before you hit --.

Oh ya, this morning I was singing,
'I love you baby~'
I love you guys alot alot alot :D

I love you, My Dear Superhero (:
haha, I really did fall for you x)
wo ai ni, forever :D

ends at Friday, April 17, 2009

Tuesday 14 April 2009Y

I'm very lazy to blog.
But I won't give up, cause once I leave, I can always read this again and recall all the good times with all of you in SSIS (:
Okay, argh!
I hate it when I think of leaving.
So depressing.
What's gonna happen huh?
I'm gonna lose all the people who are so important in my life.

Yesterday was a good day.
Lunch was...c r a z y.
I'm not gonna side anyone D:
nvm, me very happy :D
Today too. (:
Lunch was crazy as usual.
GOSH, i seriously have bad memory.

Always remember that,
wo ai ni.. (:
forever :D

IT ending !
I'm hungry -.-
shoot, no snacks in my bag...
Oh well, I'm gonna stuff myself with donuts later :D

Don't freak out. DO NOT FREAK OUT.
oh freak.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm Sorry...
dui bu qi!!
jiu suan ni bu yao wo de dui bu qi, wo hai shi yao gei ni.

ends at Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday 12 April 2009Y

Went to flea market yesterday.
The things are really cool (:
Spent 32yuan there.
With Dad's money :D
haha so still okay =P
Bought a really nice hearts notebook, earrings and necklace (:
The lady gave me a free smiley eraser :D
Can't wait to go there again next month (:
Buying lots of notebooks.
woke up, finished Bride Wars :D
I love that movie ^^
Did tuition hw.
I couldn't hear what the Priest and the person was saying :X
My sis was making me laugh -.-
There was a poor girl who kept coughing T.T
Happy Easter :D!
hehe they gave us free eggs =D
Walked to carrefour.
Bought boys before flowers dvd :D
and Blink 182 album.
Ate alot (:
Noodles, one xiao long bao, one pork thing, one cup of soya bean milk.
Oh and two yew char kuey!! :D
haha really yummy (:!!
Like s'pore one (:
Totally going back there next time :D
soya bean milk rocks to the core.
I bought another cup for myself to drink (x
went home, hw, comp :D
Tomorrow is Monday (:

ends at Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday 10 April 2009Y

I found a picture that Young Eun may like :D


He looks pretty good here (:

If you want news about korean entertainment: www.allkpop.com

ends at Friday, April 10, 2009

It sucks that I'm not able to see those things happen...

Still remember what you said to me last time:

'Why do you keep staring at me?!'
'Cause you're always doing something funny!!'

LOL, so true xD

ends at Friday, April 10, 2009

I copied this from Megan's note :D

50 Little Secrets.
Be honest no matter what, then tag at least fifteen friends.

01. Who was your last text from?
Simran =D

02. Where was your default picture taken?
my room (:

03. Your relationship status?
Attatched :D

04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
Yeah :X

05. What is your current mood?
Happy :D

06. How many siblings do you have?
3 (x

07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
Alan,Alvin and Alison. All 'A' :D

08. Where do you wish you were right now?
Anywhere with -- (:

09. Have a crazy side?
haha Yup xD

10. Ever had a near death experience?
Yep :x nearly drowned when I was still a young kid.

11. Something you do a lot?
Think :X

12. Angry at anyone?

13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
Nothing :D

14. When was the last time you cried?

15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yup one person.

16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?
Friends, --, going back to s'pore, times with --, sleeping early.

17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Kimberly :D

18. What is your favorite song?
Many :D

19. What are you doing right now?
Writing this.

20. Who do you trust right now?
My friends, my sis and of course, -- (:

21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
School :X

22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
Yup, just parents -.-

23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
Not sure..

24. Describe your life in one word?
Superb (:

25. Who are you thinking of right now?
Him lol

26. What should you be doing right now?

27. What are you listening to?
Flintstone movie my sis is watching :x

28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
Young Eun =D

29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Don't know.

30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
I'm much nicer lol and I don't start screaming at him.

31. What is your natural hair color?

32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Not sure.

33. Who was the last person to make you sad?

34. What do you hear?
Flintstone movie, typing, mum in kitchen.

35. Is your hair curly or straight?
curly, more wavy actually.

36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
No o.o

37. Do you have a best friend?
Yup :D

38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
Yup. =P

39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?

40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
LOL yes xD

41. Are you happy with life right now?
Yes I am very :D

42. Are you currently jealous?

43. What jewelry are you currently wearing?
Ring, earrings and necklace.

44. What were you doing on friday night?
Can't remember, probably worrying.

45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah :X

46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I think :X

47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?

48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
Skin :x

49. How late did you stay up last night and why?
almost 12. Crying, and then I chatted with Kim (:

50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
No. Hopefully I will.

Haha, I realise I don't use that word outloud.
Cause its so long :X
Anyway, thank -- (:
He made me in a good mood :D
I'm no more worried of that thing.
Though the other thing still worries me.
But you know, there's only like 2 more months.
I have to stop being a shy freak and make use of that time and do things!!!
Best cure to being happy: -- (:

i love you :D

ends at Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday 9 April 2009Y

I'm going to sleep...
Hate this time the most.
I keep thinking.

ends at Thursday, April 09, 2009


Oh freak.
I'm on the verge of being emo.
oh great, you freaking dumdum.

I hate it.
I hate how I am.
I hate the way I am behaving these days.
I'm so quiet.
You always say I am quiet.
I bet you find me boring already.......
I'm sorry.
Why the hell am I doing this?
Oh wow, tears coming.
Shit myself.
Argh, I'm saying those kinda words.

okay, feel better now.
Young Eun asked me how to spell 'zipper'
Reminded me of our dear chinese teacher, Yang Lao Shi =D
Who ask him to not zip up?! xD
He was standing infront of our table :x
Bad bad view D:
Infront of me, infront on Young Eun, infront of Kim D:
Slowly, the whole class knew xD
hehe :D
Everyone burst out laughing and he asked us why xD
At first, he thought it was the weird animals he drew :x
After he found out, he said things to make us feel bad -.-
I bet you were embarassed!! =D
I'll never forget Yang Lao Shi xDD

I was so bored during math, I disfigured the Ricola Box.
Kept poking holes with my pen.

We really need to talk about it...
Are you gonna leave me once the year's over..?
Or we're gonna be together till the day you come back?
When will it be?
When you come back for NS at 18?
I bet you're gonna find someone new already...
I know, this is life.
Some people say, relationships at our age won't last forever.
Ya I try to believe that.
but do you think I want us to end cause we're gonna be in different countries...?
I am someone who believes that as long as there's trust in oneself and each other,
both people will be together and nothing can stop them.
I believe that if you ever fall for someone else, you'll tell me.
And at that time, I will know that I have to give you up...
Okay, I better shut up.

I love you...

ends at Thursday, April 09, 2009

Wednesday 8 April 2009Y
Rare Days :D

Be there for me...?
I know that people say we're never gonna make it.
But I know we're gonna get though this
Close your eyes and please don't let me go.
Don't Don't Don't, Don't let me go now.
Close your eyes don't let me let you go.
Don't Don't Don't, Take my hand tonight
Take my hand tonight.
Let's not think about tomorrow.
Take my hand tonight.
We can find some place to go.
Cause our hearts are locked forever.
And our love will never die.

I'm in good mood today :D

How rare.

Simran played me the intro of The Great Escape today :D

Though I couldn't really hear, but still, thank you :D

Aww sad, 4 more days before Simran and I are gonna - - D:

Nvm, next month :D


I screwed up my science test.

Don't care la.

Stupid digestive system! D:

But my efforts for my history essay paid off (:

So relieved ><>

Played stress with Kim :D

BACK TO P6 ^-^

I was so sleepy today D:

Nearly fell asleep during science when revising.

Opened my eyes and saw Natalie looking at me lol xD

Oh and IT :X


Mr Xu clapped his hands to wake me up.

He must have seen me dozing off :X

I found out that its quite fun to play with your scissors.

I was picking up my pen with it :D

Who ask Mr Xu's presentation to be boring? :X

Muffins from City Shop are YUMMY =D

Must try (:


This song rocks (:

Juliet and Liang Shan Bo from Butterfly Lovers :D

ends at Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tuesday 7 April 2009Y

I cried. Again...
I bet you guys all think I'm a crybaby.
I can't help it.
I think too much.
Just like today.
I'm scared that one day, you'll just leave me alone...
I don't want that to happen. Ever.
Toilet, cry.
Hallway, cry.
Bus, cry.
I can't be on the bus.
Listening to those emo music just makes me think about what's gonna happen next time.
It freaking sucks.
I love 'TheGreatEscape'.
Yeah, I wanna escape from all this.
but that's not the answer to this right.
I have to face it with a strong face.
Enjoy my time with you now.
Make these times, the best times of my life.

I'm okay I guess.
Though not in the best sprits, still okay (:
Thank you guys for being there.. ^-^

And of course, you.
I love you.
Forever and Ever...

ends at Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sunday 5 April 2009Y

Cramps are totally killing me.

ends at Sunday, April 05, 2009

*crying inside*
Got nothing to do except hw which I don't feel like doing D:
He's not online ):
Yesterday and friday night never talk already D:

Oh well, and can't call either T.T

I want dinner to come.
Haven't eaten.
Porridge =D

Everyone's at superbrandmall and I can't go T.T

I wanna go out tomorrow
Sis must ask mum
if i ask mum
mum will say i always go out
its so far
i spend money
but tomorrow i won't spend so much
cause i already spent yesterday
so mummy, please let me go?

this reminds me of the convo we had.
'mummy say must help!!!'
Hehe, that was long before .... :D
It was that convo which I started ------ ---

wo ai ni :D <3

The new laptop i have is sooooooooo bright D:
i hate vista
why does it have to be vista?!
it sucks it sucks it sucks D:

okay hungry now, byebye :D


ends at Sunday, April 05, 2009

Saturday 4 April 2009Y
Outing I'll Never Forget =D

<--- Simran's Condoms.
Different Flavoured somemore xD

Karmun's Cocktail =D


Flavoured Condom.

Condom :X

Simran =D
I'm dating her for a week xD

Kim and Patrick Star :D

So cute xD
hehe, I had loads of fun today :D
Involved lots of condoms and eating :D
Walked alot to burn off those calories xD
Spent money on...
1. Sundae :D
2. Tiny Teddy Bear <3
3. Big Teddy Bear <33
4. Tigger KeyChain :D
5. Meal
6. Wrapping paper :D
I think that's all...
Mcdonalds rock =D
Karmun's cocktail :DDDD!!
hehe Surfing xD
We ate 6 packs of fries in all :D
I became Auntie Aileen!!! D:
And I haven't bought Karmun anything yet...:X
Oh well, nvm xP
Another time (:
Sis lost her ipod.
But like what Simran said, 'Someone gained an ipod today.'
wa lao!!
I started thinking in that way.
And I wished I was the one who found it !!!
So lucky lar xD
Simran got her rings (:
Kim is very hyper.
She passed it to me.
Hornyness is cool?
condom mania~~
btw, Regina you want?
I can help you buy (:
Just don't let anyone find then okay already.
So happy xD
I have officially 22 days to prepare THE present (:
okay, still don't know what to give...):
Well, I do have an idea...
Kim is so prepared.
Not like me.
But I don't want to buy at once.
What if I see smt nicer? D:
Okay so think positive =D
I have about 3 more weekends?
OKay good.
Don't fret ><
I'm panicking -.-
Anyway, today was very fun :D
I love everyone (:
Let's not count kay?
You'll ALWAYS be MY SuperHero (:

ends at Saturday, April 04, 2009