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Sunday 13 September 2009Y

I feel so urgent! :X
But lazy to get my butt off the chair :D

There's nothing I can do right?
To solve this thing.
What hope is there...?
Its not gonna be like the first time, where everything was perfect.
I asked our friend to ask you who you like.
Our friend told me it was me.
I was so happy.
I confessed to you.
You asked me to be your gf.
How perfect was that.
Its all was now..
Its also not gonna be like the second time right?
I don't know whether I'm hoping for nothing.
Holding on for nothing.
I don't dare talk to you now.
You don't talk to me either.
Do you miss me?
I know I definitely miss you alot.
Perhaps more than the other times I missed you.
It hurts to much..
I miss you so much..
Everytime I start thinking about the times we had together,
I feel as if everything is going to be sucked out of me...
I take a deep breath to get back on track.

I don't know what to do...
I knew but now I don't know...

I wish everyone would come back soon.
I want to see you guys again (:
Miss you guys every single second, every single minute.

You're still the best thing which ever happened to me...
Hope you're happy wherever and what ever you're doing..

ends at Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday 10 September 2009Y

I don't know why but I just suddenly really miss him alot.

This is so bad.
I'm being quite dumb here..
Saw 11.11 just now.
I've actually been seeing quite often these past few weeks.
haha, wonder whether it means anything.
but that number just gives you that inch of hope and warmth.
Wonder what you're thinking.
I really miss you alot.
Can't even tell you now haha.
Did you ever miss me since that day we bu?
I guess I'll never ever find that answer from you, from anyone.
Hope you're having fun there.
Can't be that bad lol.
You'll definitely like it there.
Can totally picture you there.
oh well, jia you..

The dream I had, made me realize that I had to move on.
And I will eventually.
There's gonna be another guy out there who will make my heart beat fast just like how he did.
There's gonna be another guy who will make me happy.
Be my superhero...

After that dream, I started thinking alot.
Don't know la.
I'm just trying to clear my thoughts.
I know what to do but I don't know whether I really want to do that...
Many would say that that is the thing you are SUPPOSED to do.
Cause its the ''right'' thing.
I guess it is?
I don't want to move on till he does?
People say its a waste of time.
haha why waste of time?
Its not like I'm gonna miss out on meeting someone.
I stay at home, watch tv, use comp, do revision, read books, sleep, eat.
A couch potato's life.
I sure can't wait to go to school.
Make friends, study hard, make my parents proud, make myself proud, do something useful...

I can't wait till I finish the test x)
Then get the results, send in my school choices and finally get my school!
that'll be really great.
something I'm looking forward to.

post later.

ends at Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday 22 July 2009Y

It has almost been a month since school ended D:
So fast.

What happened So Far:

1.I went back to s'pore for about one week. Had lots of fun :D
2.I spent more than a week being freaking sad.
3.I hung out alot with Young Eun :D Sleepover, Date :D
4.I am packing. But I stopped :X Too lazy to pack...
5.I feel much better now (: Not so upset :D
6.I'm still scared.
7.An Eclipse happened. Next time I can tell my kids how fast it went by -.-
8.Feel so happy that Kim and Anna are back :D
9.Shopped alot :D
10.Very broke right now. Gonna be more broke 2mr :X
11.I decided not to cut my hair :D
12.I like wearing shorts and a big t shirt to sleep (:
13. Its freaking hot here.
14.I kinda miss Singapore >< My family and friends ><
15.I'm getting fat.
16. I want abs! Not those really big kind. Just want my stomach to be hard. lol
17. After hearing that Claudia learns Fencing, I feel like learning too :D So cool x)
18. I miss taekwando :X I can never take it up again lol I suck :X
19.I wanna watch Ice Age 3D :D ITS 3D =D xD =P
20.Final Destination is gonna be 3D! So cool right? :D But I might not dare to watch :X
21.I miss people ><
22.I'm thinking about what's gonna happen once I get back to s'pore.
23.I hope I'm not gonna be one person ><
24.I don't want any of my friendships to be over.

Miss you guys alot you know T.T
Said bye to Young Eun.
Yesterday said bye to Teresita, Natalie, Amelia ><
This sucks.
Gonna say bye to more ppl...

I wish everyone all the best (:
I'm returning back for good on the 31st this month.
so fast.
Its like next friday.
Gonna miss my house here T.T
And school.
And friends.
And .

I feel so nervous again TT
Why can't I just freakin call ? :X
There's a very high chance :X

I miss you and Ruben :X

Some people are so weird :X

ends at Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday 14 May 2009Y

Helo :D
I don't feel like updating today.
But just one word to describe today: Happy (:

ily (:

ends at Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday 12 May 2009Y

I feel really empty today.
sigh..he didn't come.
and i can't help but feel worried.
he didn't say a thing..
Crazy thoughts start coming up to my mind which made me even more worried.
I just hope nothing bad happened.
I just stared out of the window on the bus, listening to music.
The sky is so grey.
So is my mood.

I have many things going on in my mind now.
I don't know what to do.
I feel like my life now, is just like a countdown.
A countdown to going back to s'pore and being a zombie.
What's gonna happen to me back there?
I don't know.
wo bu zhi dao.

I don't do well, I'm just gonna make my parents disappointed and in turn, make myself disappointed.
I don't think I've been this worried for exams before.

What's gonna happen to us?
Just focus on the present..

There's this heavy weight I'm holding on to right now.
Maybe its just one of my mood swings.
cause i tend to be okay once i'm with him.
everything seems possible when i'm with him.
i feel more relaxed.
like nothing bad is gonna happen.
cause i know, he'll be right by my side.

I don't wanna leave.
Each day, each week, each second, each minute, each hour, brings me nearer to saying goodbye to everyone.
Each day, each week, each second, each minute, each hour, brings me nearer to not be with him.

Its hard.
But I know I can do it.
I faced this kinda pain before.
And I chose to face it again.
Saying goodbye, is never easy.
But in our lives, there'll always be times which we have to say it.

where are you right now?
I have something that I've always been wanting to tell you.

ends at Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday 11 May 2009Y

let's hope tomorrow will be a good day (:

I don't wanna leave.
I don't want this to happen.
I don't ever want to leave my friends, my life here, and especially, you...

Very soon, the school year is gonna be over.
That day is gonna be so bitter.
I mean, its our 4th month and we have to spend it saying byebye and crying.
Don't let that day be the last day we'll see each other.
I know we're still gonna see each other...

ends at Monday, May 11, 2009

Today was a very hot day.
The sun was shining down on me.
I was sweating like crazy.

hehe hmm...
reached school,
science: boring but learnt stuff :X
assembly: boring.
PE: tiring, touch rugby is pretty fun but the sun was so freaking hot. I nearly died of dehydration :X
Chinese: Yang lao shi just kept talking and talking. -.-
Lunch: Yummy noodles with curry and kimchi :D
went up to class.
nearly died from boredom.
I remember filling up kim's water bottle and mine.
then i went back to class.
took comb and went to the toilet to tie up hair.
came back saw -- waved lol
went back to class.
stared at the wall -.-
went to sis's class.
ainsley threw a red cotton cushion at me.
it was tiny.
she kept aiming at my area.
i'm not a guy -.-
went back to class.
took ipod.
gave to sis.
went back to her class, ate mentos which ainsley gave me. (taken from karmun.)
oh i remember hitting ainsley with the cushion and i aimed and hit a water bottle smack down :D!
and i threw it backwards, sis called me lame.
kept hanging around the door.
walked back and forth.
looked for -- but he was somewhere else.
who knows where :X
haha i didn't go look for him.
he must be having fun somewhere.
talked talked talked to clarissa.
oh i went to 1 amber and said hi to simran and karmun.

anyway, lunch was dead boring.
just walked up and down the corridor and hang around the door looking for you know who.

now, i don't feel like doing hw, but i think i better do the IT evaluation T.T
freak D:
tuition later.
it'll be an hr of torture and looking at the clock.

i nearly died doing the math test.
drama: haha we didn't have it cause we were doing the math test.
eng: we wasted so much time and again, only one group presented.

oh well, today was so boring.
kill me D:

you freaking bastard!
how can you make her feel like that?!
i feel like hitting you.
freaking lame person.

ends at Monday, May 11, 2009